...Corrupted Little Bird~Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"Woman, my dear," he corrects and kisses your neck.

You chuckle again and wriggle slightly. "Right...so what's your point?"

"My point, (y/n), is that you know absolutely nothing about me," he says as he shifts to sit up, tapping the ash into a nearby trashcan. In this position, the curved, dipped muscles of his bum and thighs are exceedingly distracting, and, as usual, he knows this because he gives you a playful scorning look from the corner of his eye.

"You're unaware of the rumors, the criticisms, what the media says about me, what I've done and what I plan to do, etc. Therefore, you're a blank slate" he continues, leaning over above your waist. "A blank slate for me to chisel and mold as I see fit."

He kisses up your stomach till you ask, "With what? Clever deception?" It's only partly a jeer; despite your strong feelings for this man, you have yet to receive any real reason to trust him.

He clicks his tongue. "No, darling, with the truth. I've already succeeded in corrupting you with it: Do you think I'd make love to just any woman on top of my prized furs?" By then he's directly above you.

The reminder of what the two of you did falters your heartbeat and you inhale deep to calm your nerves. "I guess not."

His head turns to receive the cigarette stick. "That coy, little compliment of yours gained you more than you're aware, little bird," he mutters under the smoky exhale, and you're just about certain it was meant for himself.

"Think of it as the ultimate insider-you'll be granted unparalleled access to the real Cruelle De Vil, far from what the public sees," he says, clearly pleased with his generosity.

"You mean he's not a prima donna 24/7?" you taunt, smiling when he receives it amused enough.

"Only 23/7, darling," he grins then winks.

Cruelle watches you as you laugh and smiles-everything you do for him is genuine, a luxury he could get used to very fast. You settle down with a sigh and lock gazes with him. Something he said earlier gets your attention and you cock your head as he lowers himself onto his arms.

"Cruelle." It's the first time you've called him by his name. To say it felt natural would be an understatement. "You're aware you can only 'make love' with someone you actually love, right?"

Your question completely and expectedly catches him off guard. He leers at you with narrowed eyes. "You dirty minx... You're going to make me say it, aren't you?" he accuses.

Before your innate apologetic demeanor can take it back, he's already moving to an elevated position at your right where he grips your chin so you focus on solely him. "I absolutely abhor repeating myself, so listen well, little bird," he snaps, and you roll onto your side till you're nearly against his supporting arm.

From seeing your wide, (e/c) orbs staring up at him in childlike anticipation, his bearing softens and he cups your face. "I've fallen for you, Miss (y/n)," he says. "I love you, darling."

His ability to make even that sound egotistical makes you shake your head and laugh. He frowns at your inappropriate response to his first-ever love confession, but then you throw an arm over his neck and yank him down to your pursed lips.

When you break the hard kiss, he's looking at you, guarded.

"And I love you, Cruelle," you say. Your mixed signals earn an accusing grin from Cruelle and he buries his face into your chest, arms winding around your torso as yours do around his head. "I'm your corrupted little bird."



~Author's Note: This one was a doosie to write!! Mainly because I have an innate responsibility as a writer to keep things as realistic as possible despite my overwhelming fangirl need to spice things up CURSE YOU!

Nonetheless!! I powered through cause I really didn't want to leave ya'll with that cliffhanger for too long. I hope it was worth the wait!!

ALSO, for reference, I want to be clear that Cruelle's wearing


Not these---->http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/60123376795/Various_colors_types_mens_underwear_boxer.jpg_220x220.jpg

Distributer's Note: I've been head over heels in love with Cruelle ever since I read this, now I wish he was a really Disney character or something like that, hoped you enjoy this story. Now, onto the next one!!!

Link to original format: http://lefantomedancer.deviantart.com/art/Corrupted-Little-Bird-Male-CruellaxReader-Epil-517250894

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