"Not to listen."

"Exactly." Eleanor winked at her. "Don't listen to him."

"So girls don't have cooties?"

"No." Fred answered. "Girls don't have cooties...Teddy might but girls don't."

"I knew it!" Hope said. "That's what I tried to tell Henry, but he's not a very good listener, Daddy."

"Well, that's to be expected, but then again you're not a very good listener yourself." Fred teased her, poking her on the nose.

Hope giggled before hopping off the counter, adjusting her maroon knitted jumper as she straightened herself.

"I'm a better listener than Henry!"

"No one is going to argue with you on that." Fred grinned before turning around and searching for Eleanor. "Oh love, can I have that blueprint back, please? I need to go over something before George gets here."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Eleanor's voice rang out from a different aisle.



"Hope!" Hope clapped her hands together with a laugh making her parents share in a laugh with her.

"Why don't you go get your shoes on, Hope?" Eleanor said coming around one of the corners of the aisle. "I'll drop you off to go play with Henry. Alright?"


Hope skipped off up the stairs to the upstairs flat to retrieve her shoes.

"I knew it." she said to herself. "Girls don't have cooties...pfft...boys."

Arriving to Henry's house with her parents, Hope greeted Nixie and Sirius as Henry was upstairs putting his shoes on to go play outside.

"Hey Paddywhack give a dog a bone." Hope smiled at the man.

"Tiny Lupin Weasley Spawn." Sirius greeted her with a curt nod before looking away from her. She giggled until he looked back at her with a smile.

Before the two could get into it, Henry came running down the stairs before running over to Hope.

"Mum says we could play by the water, come on!" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her until they were outside.

The two were in the shallows of the water splashing about when Hope turned to Henry.

"My mum and dad said that girls don't have cooties! I told you so!" she said with a slightly smug expression.

Henry pushed his dark hair out of his face as it plastered to the front and sides of his face with the water.

"But Teddy said-"

"Teddy was wrong. My mum said so."

"Yeah well my dad says they do!" Henry countered.

"You dad also said that french toast comes from France!"


"You're french toast!" Hope told him.


"I don't know." she shrugged.

Henry shook his head at her before splashing some water into her face. Hope wiped the water away using her sleeve before glancing over at him.

"What do cooties even do?" she wondered out loud.

Henry opened his mouth to speak but stopped as he had absolutely no clue.

"I don't know, but Teddy said you can catch them from being around a girl."

"But we've always been around each other. So that means you have cooties too!" Hope said throwing an accusing finger in his face.

"I do not! Wait! My dad said you get them from kissing a girl! So there! No cooties for me!" Henry crossed his arms triumphantly and sticking his nose in the air.

Hope narrowed her eyes at the boy, not willing to accept defeat before she walked over to him and kissed him straight on the lips.

Henry's eyes opened wide before she pulled away from him.

"There! Now you have cooties if I have them!"

"You kissed me!"

They made faces at one another before spitting to the side.

"I can't believe you kissed me!" He said only causing Hope to stick her tongue out at him.

"That's what you get!"

The two stood quietly as they entered a stare off. That was until the two of them burst into giggles.

"Do you feel any different?" Hope asked him.

"No." Henry shook his head. "Maybe you don't have cooties."

"That's what I was trying to tell you! Teddy was wrong."

"We really need to stop listening to Teddy."

Raising Hope {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now