Chapter two

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Izaya POV:
Shizu-chan plucked me in the forehead.
"I won't kill you, Izaya, why do you want to"?
"I cause nothing but misery and hatred in this world to other people. I have no friends who would put their life on the line to help me. I have nothing but the dollars and the ones who work for me".
"Enough. Get some rest, I'm not going to kill you".
My eyes started closing. The darkness surrounded me as i fell asleep.
Shizuo POV:
I wonder if he'll be alright. But now he looks so peaceful its scary. He looks innocent but he isn't. He's scared of the world, as i am of the world. I'm scared to be called a monster. But I have friends. I'm not a monster. But Izaya doesn't have anyone but his sisters who want to kill him half the time.
The poor guy, i pity him so much. I asked Mairu and kururi what happened to him to make him like that. They told me his father abused him so much that Izaya became a masochist. For some reason he enjoys when others inflict pain onto himself. So technically it's a mental condition.
I just wonder, if his father didn't abuse him, would he have turned out that way?
I sighed and celty patted me on the back.
"Are you okay", celty typed.
"Yeah I'm alright".
"Shizuo, you look sad, are you worried about Izaya"?
"Yeah, a little. If I would have known about his past sooner maybe we could have talked".
"His past", Shinra said with a smile.
"What is it Shinra"?
"Lets look at Izaya's memories to understand him".
"Yeah, celty can show us".
Celty's shadows surrounded Izaya. The it turned into the shape of a screen. A image of him and his sisters appeared. He was protecting them.
"Izaya-ni", they said.
"I won't let that bastard hit you two. Mom ran away. But I'm still here".
His father punched him.
"Izaya-kun, do you want to fight"?
"Celty how far back is this memory"?
"When he was 12 years old", she typed.
"Only 12, that means his sisters were only 4".
"Hey, father, hit me as much as you want, i won't let you hurt them, you can kill me if you want, just do it".
Kururi called 911, their father was arrested and Izaya started to have his twisted mental disorder. He observed the other people and living things. The next clip of memory was when he was in high school. Shinra appeared in his memory and it even showed Izaya being chased by dogs.
"Izaya do you not like dogs"?
"I can never tell what their thinking, I'm not scared of them".
"You scared of dogs".
I started laughing.
"Shizuo you're mean you know", Shinra said.
The next memory had Shizuo in it.

A depressed Izaya (shizaya LOVE STORY, BL)Where stories live. Discover now