part 10

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When I got home. I was relieved to see that their car was not yet in the drive way. Why I was getting the urge to be so sneaky lately, I really didn't know. There had to be some reason for the lack of justice towards my parents that got replaced by this rebellious teenager. They say it has to happen at one point. I guess mine just hit or something. Maybe it was when you feel that dumb love sort of feeling. The one I only got with Charlie. Was it possible to feel amazing and dumb at the same time? I was suppose to be the sensible one, Carla was the girl that got hit on and made up excuses why she would never consider them. She said she always looked up to my "charisma" for help. But really I think we both know that it was way far away from that. It was more this idea that I would always be single and she was just along for the ride. I opened the door and went to the fridge. I hadn't had anything to eat the whole night. Nothing. How was it possible to have four people in the house and never have food? When we did get food it always seemed to just disappears. I rummaged in the cabinets and came across some crackers and went to eat them on the back porch. For some reason I wanted nothing more but to jog. I looked up at the sky and saw the many starts that were sprinkled across the sky. I started to think about Charlie and what he was doing, what his sisters were doing, his mother. Where were they? Was this her time once a year to be human? Or was she in the water as a seal? Unaware of what was going on to her son and how he had just releved the secret of who he is and how her own father hadn't even known.

I closed by eyes and tried to picture what would have happened if I had stayed. Nothing would have happened! That's what. I can't believe I had felt so free. God, what was I suppose to tell Carla? I could'nt tell her about what he was, but what was the boundaries. I could tell her that we spent time together, right? I mean there is no one after him. Right? 

Something about his still feels like there is more. How is it possible to feel so close to someone after just one night and yet feel like they are still complete strangers that made up some sort of story to make you fall for them. That's what I felt like right now. That Charlie had given me knowledge of him that really could be used to make me feel vulnerable. Was I making this worse then what it was? I was over thing. I had to be. 

I heard my parents car pull into the drive way, and I still felt that I wanted to be alone so I opened the screen door and went upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door. I flipped off the lights and climbed into bed without changing. I pulled the sheets up to my neck and closed my eyes. I could hear Olive down stairs chitter chattering to my parents. How she was still awake made me imagine when she would be my age, and how she would have to find her own magic. Now I knew that it was true. Now if only mermaids were real. I smiled and looked out the window at the moon once again. I could only hope that Charlie was looking at it and smiling about me in the same regards. But part of me thought that maybe he was in the water and dreaming of when he would be human again and how the water could close us together and then the world would try to figure out the mysteries of us. 

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