Chapter 10: Intruder

Start from the beginning

i don't know if i should smile or not cuz at the end the one that Qingge love is daru not me. it is a painful truth.

we were waiting for Qingge to finish his surgery. it is a painful thing to do cuz i'm afraid that anything happen to him. i don't wanna anything bad happen to him again. 

after two hours a guy with a green shirt come out from the surgery room

"hows him doctor?" Mrs Wang asked

"he is okay..he still unconscious but the surgery is success. for now we didn't see the his body resist the cornea" the doctor told us.

Sigh thank God..   "Thank u doctor.." i told him

Suddenly the nurse stroll out his bed from the surgery room. He still unconscious. I felt relief seeing he is okay.

"Thank God nothing bad happen to him"


2 weeks later


"huh? Who is calling me?" I saw the number I didn't recognize

Suddenly I heard Wang Qing said "who is that?"

"huh? An unknown number..I didn't recognize this number"

"just answer it"

"ohh...hello who is this?"

"Dayu!!!!!" huh??

"sorry who is this?"

"Its Chen..don't u remember me?"

"Omg Chen!! How do u get my number?"

"Daru gave me..I met him last week."

"huh?? U in New York?"

"yup..I work there for almost 2 years bur now im back. We should meet up."


"hb tonight?"

"err..." I glance at Wang Qing who being silent for a moment.

"I don't think I have time tonight. Maybe next time?."

"tomorrow?? Dayu..I missed u so much"


"sorry I can't"

I hear Chen sigh at the end of the line.

"okay..but if u change ur mind just message me okay?"

I laugh "okay.."

"bye Dayu.."


I end our conversation.

"who is that?" asked Wang Qing

"its Chen..I never thought that he will call me"

"who give him ur number?"

How should I answer..I f I answer Daru is the one who gave it he will suspect me.

"Dayu gave it to him"

"ohh....what he want"

"he asked me to go out with him"

"and ur answer?"

" one will take care of u if i going out with him"

"just go Daru i'm fine. I can call my mom to accompany me. Sometimes u need time to urself" i felt happy to hear that he concern about me.

"seriously? u okay with that?"

"Daru i'm not crippled..i just temporarily blind. i can't wait to open this next week cuz i wanna see ur face. i missed seeing u smile"

Wang Qing And Feng Jianyu : Me, You And Him (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now