1. The Baby Project

Start from the beginning

"Yes. My sister seems to be having some paranormal trouble. It is to be expected after all." I raise an eyebrow at this and he chuckles. "She killed a pig on Friday the 13th, in a graveyard while singing this voodoo chant she found online."

"Wow, can you tell me what's been going on? I happen to have some experience in paranormal cases." Heh...experience. You could call almost getting killed by a thing that bathed in blood experience.

"Well, she keeps saying that we should call the Ghost Hunters because these shadows keep stalking her. Playing with her hair and moving her things around quite frequently are some of the things she's mentioned. What about you? Here for a paranormal problem?" I grin and shake my head before setting the baby bags down and opening the door.

"Sorry I'm late Naru!" I call out.

"Deal with that later Mai, go make some tea we have a client coming in." I grin at the guy's face.

"You work here?" I laugh and nod my head, picking up the baby bags once more. He follows me inside, staying quiet.

"Yep. Have been for over a year now." I set the bags down at the desk and he sets the stroller down.

"Mai who are you talking to?" Monk's voice reaches me from beyond the corner.

"Oh I never got your name!" He grins.

"Yotsūne Arata." I nod my head and then reach out a hand.

"Nice to meet you Yotsūne-San. I am Taniyama Mai."

"Mai! Naru is beginning to go through tea withdrawal! Hurry up!" I giggle at this and motion for him to follow me, the -surprisingly- silent baby still sleeping on my hip/shoulder. I walk into the next room, Arata right behind me and we both stop. I don't know why he did, I just wanted to be closer to the door so I could make a dash for it based on how they react.

"Sorry guys I kinda forgot the tea..." I trail off when they all turn to look at me (with the exception of Naru and Lin who were in their respectable offices). They sat in silence for maybe two minutes, looking from me, to Arata, to the baby.

"MAI YOU HAVE A KID?!" I have absolutely no idea what happened next it was so confusing.

One second I'm standing in the doorway, then the baby starts crying and I send a glare to Ayako, then Naru pops up and drags me to his office, then the muffled sounds of Arata being interrogated echo from behind the door as I gently rock the baby back and forth, cooing words that seem to come from nowhere.

"Explain." Naru demands after the baby calms down. I sigh and sit in his chair, leaning the baby against my chest before looking up. My eyes lock onto his and my breath seems to be frozen in my lungs. His normally dull eyes were swirling with dark blue, black and hints of grey, signaling that he was beyond pissed.

"The kids not mine...technically." I answer when I realize that I had been staring at him, probably for too long. "The school is doing a baby project and I haven't even had time to look and see what his name is." As I'm speaking in a low tone, I realize that my hand had been cradling the baby and rubbing soft circles into his back.

"Go get the paper work." I nod and stand up, heading for the door before pausing at the loud bang the sounds from behind it.

"Would you mind watching him for a minute while I run for the bag?" Naru stares at me for a moment before nodding. I let out a sigh of relief, walking over to Naru and gently holding out the baby to him. He hesitantly takes the child and awkwardly cradles him to his chest.

"Thanks Naru, I'll be right back." And with that I dash out the door. I quickly sprint past the commotion and make it to the desk unnoticed. I go up to one of the bags and begin to grab the paper-filled folder when a thought occurs to me. He'll probably be hungry and will need changing soon. I doubt Naru and I will leave the office for a while, might as well just bring the bags with me too. So I grab both bags, peeking around the corner as I check to see if the way was clear. Everyone was glaring at a now seated Arata, Lin separating them and handling the situation quite well. I nod and dash for the office, closing the door and letting out a sigh when I make it.

"Mai?" I turn to look at the speaker and find myself looking at the hottest thing in the world. I guess I hadn't been that fast because Naru was able to take his jacket off and roll up his sleeves to his elbows. The baby was tucked into his chest, one hand on his butt while the other lay on the nape of his neck, holding him to his warm body.

"The papers were in the bags and I figured that we might have to feed or change him soon." I set the bags down and grab the packet before laying it all out on Naru's desk.

"His name is-" The door bursts open and my head snaps up, a glare colder than Antarctica and the dark side of the moon combined, etching it's way onto my face when the baby starts to cry once more. Lin freezes in his tracks.

"Was there something you needed Lin?" Naru questions as I quickly take the crying thing away from him, staying where I was as I calm him down. Lin clears his throat and nods, gaze moving away from me.

"Mr. Yotsūne's case was just his sister trying to get publicity on TV." I roll my eyes.

"I could've told as much." They turn to look at me and I motion for Naru to take the baby real quick. He does so and I take off my sweater, revealing my tank top. I lay the piece of clothing down on the couch, taking the pillows and making a little bed. Naru lays the baby down and turn to them once more.

"I only met the guy fifteen minutes ago. I couldn't get up the stairs so he helped me out and as we were walking we talked about why he was here." I look over at the papers.

"Now if you excuse me, the child I will be taking care of for the next six months has yet to be called by his name." With a nod from Naru, Lin leaves. I let out a sigh. Today has just been all over the place. Heading back to the desk I sit in Naru's chair, leaning over the papers.

"Oliver Eugene Smith. Born April 20th, 2014." A smile graces my face. I stand and walk around a still Naru, picking Oliver up and kissing his forehead.

"Hello Oliver. I'm your new mommy." I whisper into his ear. He lets out a little yawn and snuggles into my shoulder once more.

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