The Third Date

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He opened the passenger door of his gleaming black sedan for me. I mentally checked off one more item on my hard-lined romantic interest check-list. I slid into the warmed leather seat and let it embrace me. This was my third date in as many weeks with Damon, a man my mother had already declared to be 'a catch'.

He alighted in the driver's seat and gave me a sly wink. "I have something special planned for us tonight, Vicky."

"Very intriguing," I said giving him a smile gauged to show my interest. Was he getting ahead of my check-list? 'Something special' could mean anything. The first two dates had gone well, almost too well. Damon had navigated every one of my hurdles. He'd been polite. He'd showed compassion. He'd listened keenly while I described the toils of my day, sharing a bit of his own only in commiseration, not in an attempt to overshadow.

Our second date had ended with a kiss at my door. He'd wrapped one strong arm around my waist while his other hand gently cupped the back of my head. That long kiss made my knees weak and my nipples hard.

I wanted more, much more, then and there, but I had a firm rule; nothing more than a kiss until the third date. He hadn't pressured, just slowly released me from his kiss with a smile and promised to call me in a few days.

I'd monitored his facebook page like a true stalker, waiting for him to brag to his friends about his date with me. He didn't say anything other than post about the wonderful restaurant he'd gone to with a 'very special date'. A dozen friends begged him for more info in the comments but he kept my identity to himself. That had seen him past another major hurdle.

He pulled away from the curb, driving with one hand. My hand snaked across the center console to lay on top of his free hand and his thigh.

"How did your week go?" I asked.

"Nothing big." He interlaced his long fingers with mine. "I had two clients come down from San Fran to look into getting our security system upgraded in their beach house. Other than that, I just oversaw installations all week. How about you?"

"More reading and rehearsing until they get the effects rigs ready for us. I'm going to be wearing a catcher's mask of sensors and cameras and acting to a tennis ball on a string for most of this shoot."

He shook his head and smiled. "It's a shame your own face isn't going to be on the screen, Vicky. Not, I mean, as an alien. You're going to be awesome as Galactica, Villain from Space. Oh well, until you get that starring role, you're my leading lady."

I leaned over and set my head against his shoulder. He had me. I didn't have any more tests, he'd passed them all.

Moments later we pulled up to a house on the Malibu cliffs. Headlights flashed on tall, custom windows, then went out.

"Those clients let me borrow the house for the weekend while I assess it for their upgrade. I stopped by earlier tonight to get dinner started. Won't take me but a minute to get it on the fire."

"Fuck dinner," I said.

The Third DateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon