BOOORING: Part 1 of story

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Third P.O.V.
You awake to your annoying alarm system, of which sounded like that of a school bell


"JUST SHUDDUP ALREADY, WILL YAH!?" You slam the dismiss button on your phone more than enough times and groan. You had set up the alarm thinking it would be nice to actually wake up during the summer. You take a look around your room and yawn. "I'mmm ggggoonnna ddiiieee heereee" Your words were dragged out due to your yawn, and kinda sounded like "I'm gonna lie here"

"What? Really? What a peculiar place to sleep" Someone snickered behind you.

"Buck off Momo!" (you addressed her by her real alias, when you usually call her Mo) you rolled your eyes at your Best friend, who was wearing a gray sweat shirt that went to her knees, and covered most if her blue skinny jeans. The girl only dressed up when she wanted too, (or when she wanted a boy toy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mo:SHUDDUP WRITER), the only thing she really cared about everyday that tied with her appearance was her hair, she hated , Hated, when her shoulder length hair lacked the volume that it needed. That wasn't even for the sake of looking good, it was just uncomfortable for her. She was actually quite pretty, whith her brown eyes that were dark but showed their real color in the sunlight, and when her hair was in the sun it would shift colors from brown to aburn, it reflecting the light well. (like Matt's hair)When she dressed more (^^ FOR FEMINE MO) femininely then usually, the boys were all over her. But don't get (Y/N) started on her name, let's just say, she insisted on being Matt to Watari, despite their already being a Matt when she joined Wammys House, so she ended up with a "M" name, other than Matt, but close to her name, Molly. (Sshhhh she only told you when she joined, don't tell anyone her name.)

"Moooo, help me decide what to weeeeaarrr" You complained to Mo, with a hint of incompetence in your voice.

"Does it really look like I know how to dress like you" she gestured to your drawer full of bright (f/c) pants, and your array of vibrant colored shirts, some V-necks which Mo despised. (Mo squints eyes and prepares for battle against the v-necks. Lol)

"Well there is that" she then points to a dark gray sweatshirt in the corner of the drawer, along with a pair of tattered blue jeans.

"I guess I'm not exactly feeling the colors today, too." You grab the sweatshirt and jeans, and throw them on along with a pair of (f/c) converse (they can be galaxy if you want)
with your strange cat socks. You giggle.

"Pft. You think those are weird" Mo lifted up her jeans to reveal that underneath her light gray converse she had on a pair of long socks with seals in space with astronaut helmets on. "They glow in the dark too" Mo whispers as if it was a secret to the world, but truly no one could hide her weirdness, it radiated from her like she was the sun giving off light. (Deathnote pun intended)

"Wowie, you'll have to let me borrow those one of these days Mo." You turned your head towards the door and see a boy with dark brown hair peek his head in the door. That was the Matt Mo was ready to fight just to get her name, but she resisted, seeing as the kid was really chill and good at playing games. You never really were acquainted with Matt, and you never actually talked to him. You wanted to, but...
'He's just too attractive' you thought to yourself. 'If only one day I would actually talk to him, I mean Mo has no problem talking to him, but she's comfortable around guys'

"Like I ever would Matt," she responded "Your feet wouldn't be able to handle these intergalactic Aquatic mammals." You giggled at this response, and turned to look at Matt, but quickly look away realizing he's looking at you.
'YOUR MAKING YOUR SELF LOOK MORE AFFECTED BY HIS CUTeness...' You mentally slap your self.

"Well I'm gonna go eat breakfast, see you guys later" Matt then runs off gameboy color in hand.


Also, jsyk, Mo is themed after yo mama *points to self, not realizing you might of taken that as the joke* but Mo isn't an O.C. she actually there to tell yo abt myself, also because I ran out of ideas and because she was such a big part of this fanfic, I didn't want to have any missing info later on in the story.


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