19-Provoke Me Again?

Start from the beginning

                                                              The assault only stopped when someone blew a whistle. I grinned, thinking it was coach. I looked up and saw the people I was chasing, waving at me with my clothes in their hands. It was Logan Rhodes and his nerd friend- what was it? Oh yeah, Max. 

                                                              "Come and get it jock!" Logan shouted. I grit my teeth and ran after them again. They ran into the building and into the gym. I smirked. The gym had only one entrance, which meant they were cornered. 

                                                               When I ran into the gym the lights were switched off. I could vaguely see the silhouettes of Logan and his friend. "Yo! You guys are cornered. This place has just one exit okay? So give me my clothes back and maybe I'll go easy on you." I said. The paint was making me all sticky, and I was exhausted because of all the running. "You getting sticky there?" Logan called out. "Yeah. I need to shower again, thanks to you assholes. Give me my clothes and I'll forget this ever happened." I said. 

                                                                His friend spoke up. "You can have your clothes soon. As for the shower, don't bother. We've arranged that for you." He said. "What are you talking about you nutcase?" I muttered to myself. The gym lights came on and I realised what he was talking about. At least half the school population was there. And they were all armed with water pistons and water balloons. And cameras...

                                                                "You arranged all this?" I asked over all the giggling and clicking sounds coming from the crowd. A new voice answered. "I did." Bailey stepped forward with a smirk on her face. She stood near and spoke so low that only I could hear her. "Your visit to my house made things difficult for me. Now with all this," She gestured to the whole room, " I'm going to return the favour." She smiled coldly and a shiver ran down my spine. 

                                                                The entire place was a trap for me. "You look filthy Matt! What have you been doing?" Bailey asked as she loaded a water gun. "No. No no no no." I said, but there was no way I could stop it. She pulled the trigger and the water hit my chest. 

                                                               My body was already sensitive to pain because of the paintballs

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                                                               My body was already sensitive to pain because of the paintballs. The water was like small knives stabbing me. Following Bailey's example, the entire crowd began throwing water balloons. A lot of them missed me. A lot didn't. I slipped and slid over the wet floor as I ran towards the gym doors. They were bolted from the outside. Obviously Bailey had positioned guards on the outside. 

                                                               When defence didn't work I switched to offence. I spotted a barrel of water balloons near the door. I ran for it. I heard Bailey scream for someone to stop me, but I was fast. I grabbed a handful of balloons and turned to face her. She aimed the gun at my face and sprayed water at me. I held up my arm as a shield and walked towards her. I caught her arm as she tried to run  away and burst the first balloon on her arm and the rest on her back. 

                                                               The gym doors opened to reveal Coach and Ms.Young standing there. They looked aghast as they took in the scene. Ms.Young staggered, and coach had to help her stand straight. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? WHAT IS THIS? sUCH HOrRIBLe BEhAViOUr!!" Ms.Young's voice cracked as she screamed at the students, who began to run away. Then she caught sight of me. 

                                                               "ANDERSON!" She screeched loudly. I raised my hands in surrender and said, "I didn't do anything." Everyone present went "Ohhhhhhh." Ms.Young looked like she was ready to kill me and coach looked scandalised. Even Bailey covered her mouth with her hands to hide her giggling. I frowned and looked down. 

                                                                The towel had fallen revealing my now-colourful Batman underwear to the entire gym. I heard cameras go off and I felt my cheeks and ears grow warm. Bailey was doubled over laughing and Ms.Young had gotten red in the face due to anger. "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" She managed to choke out. I dropped my hands in defeat. Man, this was not a good day at all.


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