Greg John

11 0 3

"Greg! Greg! Gregory! Gregory Nathan!"
Is what I wake up times yep fun times.
"Time to get up!"
"Whatever mom I'm up so leave"
15 minutes later
"Yes Rachel?"
"Mom said you have to bring me to school!"
"Are you serious fu-"
"Don't you dare cuss in front of your little sister!"
"Whatever mum.."
I'm already late and now I have to drop of my Satan of a sister Rachel at school. What kind of excuse is I had to bring my sister to school?
10 minutes later
I am finally at school and we are already 15 minutes into first period..great  I walk over to my locker drop of my stuff and head to class. First period is English.
"Mr. John  why are you late"
Okay so quick little note if I mess up spelling I'm very sorry English is my first language although I learn mainly everything in French. I want to thank Ella ellamichelle1995 for being my inspiration in life. :)
So that's it for now byeee

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