Acario Zhast 1

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Chapter 1 – AGE 4 – 7

4 Years old.

“RIO! WAKE UP!” I felt something heavy land on the end of my bed.

“Ugh.. Get out my room..” I buried my head into the pillow and pulled the covers over my head.

I groaned when they were pulled off me. “Nico... Get out...” The five year old still didn't move.

“But we have training today, and you know what that ogre is like!” Nico said with a grin on his face.

I quickly sat up and looked at his friend with a grim look. I turned my head to look at the clock and my eyes widened.



“It's Saturday... We don't have training today!” I yelled. “Besides, it's four in the morning!”

“I know.” Nico gave me a slap on the back. “Why do you have to be so smart for your age?”

“I'm not smart.” I replied, kicking him off the bed and onto the stone floor.

“Ouch.. You're strong, too.”

“No, i'm not.”

“Sure you're not.”

“Whatever,” I said. Now that I was awake I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I got up and went over to my closet. This is going to be a long day.

5 Years Old.

I clutched my head and winced in pain. “Ughh...” I took a step back and put my sword down. I wasn't very good with a sword, but I had to train or I wouldn't be able to use any Techniques that required swords.

“Oi, Rio. We can stop if you want.” Nico called over to me.

“No, I'm okay.” I replied, picking my sword up.

Nico was my best friend. Even though he was only one year older, he somehow convinced my dad to let him train me. How he did it, I will never know.

“Okay. Well, here I come!” I quickly raised my sword to counter his attack.

“I hate swords..” I said as our swords clashed.

“If you don't learn how to use a sword you wont be able to use some of some Techniques. Lets see... For swords, there are six Low Techniques, three Middle Techniques and one High Technique. So far you can use all of the Low Techniques and one Middle Technique, so you've probably only got two or three months until you learn them all.” Nico said as he walked over to me and took my sword from me.

“Whatever.. I hate waiting.” I replied, taking a bottle of water from my bag. “Can we go back now? It's 5am, I'm tired and want to sleep.”

“Sure sure.” He took out his own water and began walking back to his house. “Make sure you arent late tomorrow.” Really, I loved Nico like a brother but sometimes he can be harsh – especially when he's training me. I began walking back home.

6 Years Old

“Hey, Acario! Breakfast is ready.” My mum shouted up to me. I got up from my bed and headed downstairs and took a seat next to my older brother.

“Morning.” He said to me.

“Morning, Vasily.” I replied. He was eight years older than me and came from Russia, while I was from Italy. Even though she was adopted my parents still loved him like he was their own child.

Moments later my dad walked in, carrying my three year old sister, Adrianna. She wasn't adopted.

Actually, I had three sisters and three brothers. In other words, there were four boys and three girls.

Vasily was the only adopted boy and two of my sisters were also adopted.

My mum was pregnant with triplets and I'm pretty sure they were going to adopt soon. Luckily we had lots of spare rooms, so that wont be a problem.

The rest of them walked in and took their seats and they all said good morning to each other. As soon as breakfast was served everyone was quiet as we wait for dad to sit down.

As soon as he did everyone started to eat.

“Acario, how is your training going?” He asked me.

“Good, father.” I replied. He would ask this every morning and I would always reply with those same words.

“Caino, where is your mother?” He had asked my eleven year old brother.

“Upstairs, feeding Alicia.” He replied bluntly.

I sighed. I really wished I was outside training right now.

7 Years Old

“Happy Birthday, Acario!” My family shouted loudly as I walked into the living room.

“..huh?” I stood there with my mouth wide open.

Vasily patted me on the back and handed me a box that was wrapped in silver wrapping paper. He pointed toward a table and then said, “The rest of your presents are on the table but I wanted to give you my present personally. Happy Birthday, little brother.”

“Thanks, Vas...” I said, still shocked.

Caino came over to me and pushed me further into the room. “Nico told me to tell you to have a great day.” He whispered to me. My parents didn't like Nico and I honestly don't know why.

My dad told me to go and open my presents, so I went over to the table and picked one up. My family watched me, waiting to see my reaction to each to every one of the presents.

From my mum I got new arrows for my bow. From my dad I got a sheath for my sword. Usually I kept it on my wall, but now I could carry it about with me. Honestly, I don't remember what I got from the rest of my family.

I do remember my mum asking me a question. “Do you like your presents, Acario?”

“Yes,” I said, smiling at her.

Then something totally unexpected happened.

Her waters broke.

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