chapter 2

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This chapter is shorter sorry about that . PLEASE leave your suggestion i need help on this one i will also start to work on WHY NOW? WHY YOU? i needed a break i was getting frustrated with it lol 

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Chapter 2

Amy walked into her Cabin and went straight into the kitchen to grab a glass of wine to take with her into the living room. As she went to open the wine she realized that the resort had no one rooms until Sunday. Her heart stopped no way it could not be true.

When they had no openings then a gust would occasionally stay at her cabin until a room opened 

She pulled out her cell phone and called Lisa “Lisa what day did you tell me that Dusty was checking in?”

“Tomorrow why?”

“No this can’t be happening Lisa can I stay with you tomorrow night? Amy cried

“Actually remember my parents are coming in tomorrow I won’t have room. What is wrong?”

“We are fully booked that means that he will have to stay with me for the  a few night until a cottage opens up” 

“That’s great now you can two can catch up on old time.” Lisa said cheery she did not know much about my past because it was still hard for me to talk about it.

“Lisa do you think he knows that I own this place”

“Amy what is wrong with you I have never hear you so unsure like this before and I thought that he was one of your friends. What am I missing?”

“Nothing I am just stressed out your right it will be nice to see an old friend. Do you know I have not seen him since graduation?” They finished their call and by the end Amy was feeling better about the whole thing.

Maybe he would not remember her? Maybe he would not recognize her? Would he blame her for that day?

The next morning she walked into her office. Amy was sitting here with a cup of coffee with a smile on her face “Morning Boss ready for today? We have the conference call at 10:00 for the new vendors and at 12:00 you have lunch with Dan from that new winery. Then at 2:00 you have to call the investors and give them an update.”

She handed me the files I would need for today. I opened the first one and looked over it while I was walking in the main hall from my office and ran into something hard. I looked up from the file and said “I am so sorry.”  i ran into a very large man but i was to busy to notice who it was.

Dusty looked down at Amy not recognizing her. He had to grabbing her elbow when she ran into him.

“Not a problem” he said with a very sexy grin.

 He watched her walk away with amusement most women would be throwing them self at him but this one just walked away.

He went to check into the resort and was informed that since he made his reservations yesterday that he would have to stay at the old cabin until tomorrow when his cottage is ready.

He thought who cares as long as no one could find him.He was assured that only the owner would be staying in the cabin and that he would not be disturbed.

He settled into the cabin sat on the bed looking around. He has been on the go since his mother died last month he has not had time grieve.

He was not close to her but he always took care of her after he made enough money to get her sober. After that they became as close as he would let them he was not able to get over the abandonment issues he had.

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