Chapter3-I Want Her!

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✝Chapter 3





Kate's P.O.V

Wait wait wait! Stop the solar system! That's are my friends, I can hear Niall complaining about his food (Hahahahahah) omggggggg!!! THEY ARE HEREEEE!!! "LOUIS?!!!!!!!! MY LOUIS!!! MY TOMMO!!! WHAT AARE YOU DOING HERE?!" "I just came here bc mom need me...Nahhh I was kidding obviously bc of youuuu!! COME ANG HUG!!!" Omgggg!!! Louis is really here!!! I hugged, I really missed him so much if I could I will stay my whole life hugging him! "Kate Kate! My my! Kateeee I can't breath could you please?! " oh oh sorry sorry! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" " yesshhhh me too! Get inside the boys want to see you" we got in and immediately I saw harry..but bc he is my best frand I miss him so much..." Hiiiiii!!!!! Niall in the kitchen is more food please stop running all around!" "KATTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!" Niall hugged me then he rush to the kitchen Hahahahahah that's the Niall I missed "Kate! Look how big you are! You are taller!" "Liam! Really!!! I thought that I got shorter" "HEYY! Hahahaha" we hugged and then I looked at z

Zayn "Sooo what about Perrie?! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED!" "Yeah! Well...remember those days I told you I like that girl we saw on the tv that they we were watching The X factor?" "Yeah she is engage with you now!"...

Harry's P.O.V

"Sooo hi I am Harold Edward styles glad to me meet you, and your name is?" "HAZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She hugged me then I put my arms on her wirst to hug her too, she smells so good VS and her natural smell PERFECT "katieee! I missed you so so much!!" "PLEASE DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT!! I missed you so much too!! Bf" Ughhhh just best friend! Please please tell me she doesn't have any boyfriend! "And what about your life without this sexy guy?" "Sexy guy? Are you talking about Justin timberlake?! I havent meet him Sooo my life is the same" "I was talking about me! Anyway..." The doorbell rang, I couldn't hear clearly what Kate said but I heard something about Logan. I heard when the door was open I saw a boy, wait that boy is really familiar! Where I have seen him? I looked at Kate, she was hugging him for any reason. "Logan??!! Ohh mate what are you doing here?!" Asked Louis "Louis! What are you doing here?! Kate told me that your weren't coming!" "it was a completely surprise, they surprised me hehe" Kate said "Kate haven't tell you?!" "Tell me what?" "Kate?" "Yes?" "Tell him!" " ohh yes sorry, Louis! Logan is my boyfriend!" WAIT WHAT?!! She just said "BOYFRIEND" No no no no! NO! Be seriously WHAT THE HECK IS GOING WRONG?!!

Louis's P.O.V

oh no! I looked at harry he was really debasted, I give him some kicks at the back for him to be kinda of ok "Really?! Why didn't you tell me KATE MARIE???" "...mmmm you were really busy for all that stuffs It doesn't matter Louis" "YES!!!! My childhood best friend is with my sister...!!"I said with exciment, It's not that I don't like them together I am just bad because of harry :(

Harry's P.O.V

I was about to show my tears, I keep them my self. I looked at Kate she was talking with Louis and that Logan...Ughhhh!!! WHY WHY??!! I looked at zayn he was talking with Ale and Marianne, then I saw melany playing with Kate's cat awwweee waffles! "Hey Mel!" "HAZZA! Wait. Why that face?" "Which face?" "Harry don't lie me I know perfectly that you are sad, tell me" "mmmm you promise you will keep it as a secret you can't tell anybody ok?" "Yeah! Pinky promise.. That's with girls" "Hahahahahah" "soooo tell me" "well so ok, you know Kate" "So this is about Kate.." "Yes, ok so...I...I" "you love her" "mmmmm yes :(" "Ohhhh Know I understand...Harry don't be sad please I don't like to see you like that, I know that inside her she loves you but not just a friendly love, I know her believe one of this days she will notice it" I listen to Mel, I don't know to believe her..I am so confused :/. I saw Marianne she was coming to us "Hey! Harry are you ok?" Marie asked "yes,why not?" "Harold! Why are you sad?" "Mmm I AM OK!" "Harry! Tell her!" "Ok! Fine!...I like Kate! I love her ok? And just seen her with Logan my heart breaks in two! Haven't you fell that? Is like seen a cat head cut! IT FEELS WORST THAN SMELLING THE PO OF A HOURSE AND Definatly it smells awful!" "Harry...Don't be like that, I know how you feel, wait for her I know how much she loves you. you know something she loves you so much that she hasn't noticed it, she is always talking about you & I am not kidding when she eats bananas she is like Ohhhh I remember the day harry throw me a bunch of bananas or when she plays with waffles she remembers the games you play, all that and more...don't tell any one but one day I went to sleep at her house and while she was sleeping she said I love you harry don't leave me no harry no!" "Are you talking seriously?!!!" "Yes HAZZA! Make her open her eyes and look that the right man is infront I of her, help her to choice the correct one, is you" "Thanks Marie!,Thanks Pooh!" "Your welcome HAZZA!" Both of them said with a sweet voice.



To late I know. :((((((((((((

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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