"It appears the night is not quite over, yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel."

"Elijah told me about your plan to take apart Marcel's empire piece by piece. I don't remember it involving you two drinking New Orleans dry together," she tilted her head slightly.

"I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the 'how' so I might take it for myself. Madison claims she doesn't know, but I can tell she's lying. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today," Klaus turned and walked towards the door, stopping in front of it. "Oh, and welcome home, little sister."

Rebekah spun on her heel after Klaus shut the door and spotted Madison sitting on the stairs above.

"You, witch bitch. I'm going to search this house inch by inch until I find what my evil brother has done to my good one. You're helping," Rebekah demanded.

Madison knew she didn't have a choice in the matter as she got up and followed Rebekah. Neither of them said anything until they reached a spiral staircase and Rebekah started talking.

"The governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favourite," she said as they arrived in a dusty cellar, covered in cobwebs.

"You think Klaus daggered him?" Madison's brows knitted together as she spotted the coffins.

"Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box, until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah," Rebekah's eyes land on a coffin. "This one's mine."

"He keeps your coffin on standby," Madison said incredulously.

"He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. Elijah's isn't here – he must've stashed him elsewhere."

"This is weird, even for me," the witch muttered to herself.

"Welcome to the family, love. You should've run the second you realized Elijah was gone."

"Yeah, well, the witches have put a hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave New Orleans. If I do, they kill me," Madison frowned. "I've tried to break it, but something keeps fighting me."

"Well, knowing Klaus, he's planning a box for you the second you give birth to whatever's cooking in your tum," she glances at her stomach. "I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks, trust me. You'd best find a way to break that hex and run."

"Yeah, I'm working on it," she sighed.

"Speaking of magic, why don't you do a locator spell to find Elijah?"

"Well, you see, Elijah is your brother and therefore your problem, not mine."

"You really are a bitch," the vampire glared before continuing her search elsewhere, leaving the witch alone with her thoughts.


Madison's long thin fingers punched in the number that was still engraved in her memory, nervously twirling the phone cord.

"Hello?" he picked up on the third ring.

"Marcel? It's me. We need to talk," she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Woah, Maddy?"

"Meet me at Rousseau's in 5 minutes," she told him before hanging up and stepping out of the phone booth.

Madison brushed the hair from her face and began to walk down the street towards the bar where she once worked. The bell above the door jingled a little as she pushed it open and took a seat at the bar.

WILD ROSE | N. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now