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So there's this guy. I haven't know him forever. Sometimes I feel like I have. I met him in 7th grade. But somehow that's enough.

We were always great friends but not really anything more. I've ALWAYS liked him. Everyone said he liked me too. I wanted to believe them.

He wasn't perfect, not in the least bit. He had his flaws. My closest friends always said, "I'm not sure why you like him." Or "You deserve better."
But there was something about him when he talks to you, you never want to stop the conversation. You see a text from him and your face lights up. He's just one of those people. And of course I fell for him. Hard.

It was kinda a mix of everybody liked him and nobody did. Sometimes when all the girls would talk about their crushes everyone would say Logan.

Then there were other times were people would hate him and talk absolute crap about him around me.
Everybody said he was ugly, too skinny, too pale, bad teeth and bad hair....the list goes on. But for some reason I thought he was pretty darn cute.

But anyway everyone always said Tessa and Logan would be cute together. I desperately wanted to believe them.

Until one day I did.

But if I'm gonna tell this story I'm gonna start from the beginning.
Hi! I'm young and pretty inexperienced so sorry.
Any comments?
Open to any covers anybody wants to make.

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