Ya miss me

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The reason I haven't been updating on this because I got suspended for 10 days and when I got back it was the last day of school so I'm just going to write about stuff that happened at my old school.

So when I was in 2 grade there was this boy that bullied me named Devon so I got anger issues and one day he spit on my hard earned stuff somethings I worked so hard on my favorite coloring book so what I did was flip his desk while he was in it and almost stabbed him with some safety scissors while he cried like a bitch but his bitch ass still didn't learn his lesson but I was like ok ok I'm just not going to give fuck anymore and that's why his dumb ass failed the 5 grade so fuck u Devon🖕🖕🖕

Random shit that happens in my lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ