"Thank you, Priscilla. You look stunning in that sapphire," Arden said, standing back in awe at Priscilla's couture gown.

"You do look great, Priscilla," Eli added with a smile, as he took another sip of his drink.

"Thank you. Scott only told me blue. Imagine if I had showed up in royal blue!"

Arden gave Priscilla a forced grin as she caught a glimpse of her aunt, Hillary across the crowded ballroom. "I did that one year." She shook her head and sighed. "Wasn't pretty."

Priscilla threw Scott a glare and he raised his hands in surrender. "I wouldn't have let her chew you out," he promised. "I would have told her it was my fault."

Arden scoffed. "Nothing is ever her precious Scott's fault in Hillary's eyes." Arden rolled her eyes in the older woman's direction. "Besides, southern women don't 'chew you out.' They give you backhanded compliments followed by a 'bless your heart,' or 'well, aren't you sweet.' They curse you out with words sweeter than red Kool-aid."

Eli backed Arden's argument. "She's right. Learned that the hard way. For two years, I thought Hillary adored the crystal figurine I gave her one Christmas. Every time I came over, she'd mention it, pat my shoulder and tell me, bless his heart." Eli chuckled. "Then I overheard her telling one of the maids how tacky it is."

Priscilla didn't let her face give it away, but she was already realizing that she was dealing with a nightmare. She didn't want anything to do with this woman when she walked in. Now she especially didn't. What if that woman was somewhere talking about her right now?

"That's okay. I don't celebrate Christmas," Priscilla said with a smile.

Scott cleared his throat, and Priscilla looked at him. "We have to celebrate Christmas."


In the middle of their somewhat awkward moment, a man and woman approached the foursome from behind. The slender woman tapped Arden on the shoulder. Arden and Eli turned to find Karma and Casper Callaghan standing behind them.

"Casper..." Arden began to stutter. "Karma. I didn't think you two would make it."

Karma beamed back at Arden. "Well, we were able to make some adjustments. So here we are." Karma's gaze drifted over to Scott. Target acquired. She extended her hand to him. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Karma Callaghan, assistant district attorney for Jefferson County." She pulled Casper to her side. "And this is my husband, Casper."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Scott Nolan, Sr. partner at Benjamin Law Firms in Phoenix." He shook her hand and put his arm back around Priscilla. "And this is my beautiful fiancée, Priscilla," he introduced.

Karma gave Priscilla a haughty nod. "I know who you are, Scott. Everyone in the greater Birmingham area knows all about Mr. Scott Nolan." Karma turned her attention to Priscilla again. "Priscilla, are you aware that your future husband is practically southern aristocracy?"

Priscilla smiled tightly and glanced over at Scott. "I was recently made ever aware," she said, her words dripping with the honey of sarcasm. Scott just rubbed her back. She did not do well in social settings.

"Well, I'm sure you're overjoyed to be joining such a prestigious family," Karma commented.

"We can say that," Priscilla said.

Done feigning interest in the pretty woman at Scott's side, Karma moved on to real business.

"Speaking of family, Scott. How's your father doing? I've been trying to get in touch with his office for weeks now."

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