Chapter 1

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*(Y/n) POV*

I put the last box into my new small apartment before taking a seat on my couch and let out a tired sigh. Just as I feel like I'm about to fall asleep I hear strange noises coming from the apartment next door.

I grab my gun from under the pillow of my couch and place it in my holster. I walk slowly into the apartment and scan the area before following the sounds coming from the bedroom. Stealthily, I sneak a peak through the door and notice a pregnant woman pointing a gun at some random guys dick. And just as I'm about to turn around, I notice my old high school friend Joe with some chick in the bed.

I sigh softly knowing I had to do something before this crazy bitch kills someone. I slowly sneak in catching the tall guy and Joes attention. I place my finger over my lips signalling them to keep quiet. I take out my gun as I manage to sneak behind the pregnant woman.

I smirk and hit the back of her head knocking her out with the handle of my gun. Smirking I put my gun away and take my phone out of my pocket. I dial one of my special friends. Once I place the phone to my ear I hear a deep voice. "Yeah boss." I turn to the pregnant woman on the floor.  "Get your boys here, I need you to take her somewhere 'Special'" I said only to hear an 'okay' before ending the phone call.

I turn to the strangers in the room and say "Hey Joe... Long time no see since high school." I chuckle as I see Joe start laughing a bit and I walk into the living room and laid on the couch and lit a smoke.

~Time Skip~

A few minutes later, one of my special friends take away the crazy pregnant bitch. I stand on the side walk and watch as the car drives away. The man I come to know as Andy, stands next to me while lighting a smoke, he turns to me. "Thanks for saving my dick." He says as he takes a pull of his smoke. I turn to him and say "I didn't do it to save you or your dick, I was helping out an old high school friend." I turn and walk back up to my apartment, ignoring the strange look on Andy's face.

*Andy's POV*

That strange woman didn't even take a second glance at me... Strange normally girls are falling on their feet to have sex with me but not this one... She interests me, I'll get her to bend to my every will soon enough.... No woman will deny me.

But I can tell you one thing...

"She's a girl unlike any other."

A Girl Unlike Any Other (Andy x Chubby Reader)Where stories live. Discover now