Chapter 2: Kuroo Testurou

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Kenma's next class is chemistry, so to avoid the same incident that happened in homeroom, he arrived to class quickly. This way, he'd get to pick his own seat. When he entered the class, the teacher nodded at him, noting that he was the new kid.
He sat at a table close to the back of the room, so he could play on his PSP instead of focus on the literal lesson. He had used this technique for years, he's sure other kids did too, and surprisingly none of the teachers found out. It's either teachers are really stupid or students are just really sneaky.
He sees Lev enter the classroom and immediately panics. Standing up, Lev is way taller than him. Heck, he had to duck while entering the doorway, and a midget shorter than Kenma was just as intimidating as Lev was tall. He saw Lev scan the room. 'Oh hell no, please don't see me please don't see me...' He sort of gawkily crouchs under the table, in hopes of not being noticed.

Yet he was spotted.

"Oh, hey look it's Kenma!" Lev shouts, peeking under the table, making Kenma yelp slightly. Kenma slowly recovers himself and rises from under the table. "Hi, Lev." He quietly greets.
The midget hits Lev on the head while he's still ducking, causing Lev to groan. "Leave him alone and stop acting like a creep!" He demands. Lev rubs his head and nods, then introduces the midget to Kenma. "This is Yaku, my boyfr-" SMACK! "Owowow! That hurt, Yaku!"
Yaku ignores him and drags him to the table next to Kenma's. Kenma lowers his head onto his desk, relieved. The bell rings, allowing the teacher to close the door. "Good morning class-"

Knock, knock.

The teacher looks toward the door, then sighes, impatiently. The teacher opens the door, revealing a boy with black spiky hair and a red jacket. His expression is quite bored really, as well as his body language. His looks and attitude makes Kenma gasp slightly. The teacher, on the other hand, is obviously displeasured with his arriving late. She frowns and crosses her arms. "You do realize that the when the bell rings, it means you should be in class before?"
The boy just shrugs, avoiding eye contact. He pushes past the teacher, making his way to the only available seat in the room.

The seat next to Kenma's.

The boy eyes him for a while, then breaks into a shit-eating grin. "New, huh?" He asks, settling his bag down. His eyes are a mesmerizing yellow, making Kenma speechless. He manages to squeak out a small "yes", nervously looking everywhere but at his magnetic orbs. The boy leans toward him, eyes sparkling, interested. Never in his life has he seen a guy so...


'Oh, so now I'm gay now. More things to dictate me for.' He internally slaps himself for falling for someone so easily. 'Pull yourself together, Kenma. For all for know, he could be a total asshole.'
"I'm Kuroo Testurou. First impressions?." He asks, not seeming to care when the teacher starts explaining the directions.
"If you mean about the school, I think it sucks ass. If you mean about you, then I think you're pretty cool. First impressions?" Kenma replies.
"By looks, I'd say you're a total babe." He smirks. If it was possible to explode with feelings, Kenma would've done it. He had to turn away to hide his flushed, embarrassed face.
"W-We should be paying attention..." Kenma stutters, stuffing his face in his arms. Kuroo chuckles in response. "It doesn't matter. I never pay attention anyway."
Kenma ignored Kuroo's statement. He was feeling really confused about his emotions right now. Truth is, he's not going to pay attention.

He'll play on his PSP, instead.

And think of Kuroo.

If he could describe his feelings right now, he'd say it was pretty much jumbled and shit. Kuroo seems like a really cool friend, but that's not what he wants. Though he just met him, He wants so badly to be his boyfriend. And for all he knows he could be a drug addict, sex addict, kidnapper, abuser, but 'hey, he's hot as shit and thinks you're pretty sweet so why don't we fuck?'
For all he knows, he could be straight. Heterosexual. Not gay.

That's pretty much his thought process right now.

So now he's frustrated, and he's playing like his father was murdered and he's seeking revenge. The whole time, Kuroo was watching with a small smile on his face, finding his frustration cute in a way, especially because he's frustrated playing Kirby.

Something the two don't know is that Kenma's right.

Kuroo isn't gay.

A/N: Yes, yes I know Kenma and Kuroo are in two different years just bare with me, okay? This chapter is a little shorter than the last one. I really wanted to update quickly!
The next chapter will take place at lunch and volleyball practice, starring Kenma, some bullies, and, of course, Kuroo.
Thank you!

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