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I didn't remember much after the drugs. I groaned and turned on my side that ached and was most likely bruised. I tried to pull my arm down but it was stuck. I squinted and turned my head to see my hand was hand cuffed to a post on a bed.

"Ugh" I grunted

and grabbed a bobby pin from my hair but they all were missing. I woke up more and started to panic. Had the men been their to help and I had been kidnapped? I didn't want to panic but Morarity was one of the most powerful men in all of England. I examined the hand cuffs a older model made in what looked like in the '80s by the rust and what I could make out of the date. Just then
the door opened a older woman looked at me with a confused look and yelled
"boys your client is awake!"

And awkwardly closed the door and walked away. I yanked and pulled at the hand cuffs but it was no use I needed a bobby pin or a tooth pick or even the key would be nice. The door swung open and two men entered one was short, with a short army cut hair do, a tuff looking face, blue eyes, wearing a red plaid shirt and looked just as curious as I surly did. Now the other one was tall brown scruffy/curly hair, longish nose, crystal blue eyes, and cheek bones that would cut you if you slapped them. Now of course I knew who they were, they were non other then the sleuthing team of the century Sherlock Homes and Dr. John Watson. My "mother" was obsessed with
Sherlock over the years of my child hood.

Always watching him on the Telly and reading about him on Dr. Watsons blog.
Sherlock spoke with his hands behind him pacing around the room "so it seems Morarity has a sudden interest in you why is that?"
He didn't look at me when he asked. I didn't respond so he turned and looked at me

"Do I need to repeat myself?!?" He ask urgently

"Why do you have interest in me?" I questioned right back then added "and why should I answer

and of your questions?"
John spoke for Sherlock that time "because we saved your life and I believe you owe us one"

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