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(Luhan's POV)

I was walking down the streets to get some groceries for tonight since I have ran out from yesterday. I was always busy in work, college and family. Now I live by myself as a grown adult, if you even call that. I'm turning twenty-three in the next two months. I want to cherish the time I have before I do turn twenty-three. I never thought of what I wanted to do when I graduate college in the next two years. My mum always bothered me if I have ever had a girlfriend. I told her I had none. We as a family never discussed about my relationships. I guess I was never really into girls that much.

I wasn't sure about my sexuality. But I know for one that I won't be dating in the next what?—twenty years?  I'm not quite sure at all. It all depends. Time makes the most of it. And I make the most of time.

My phone rings abruptly and I fished my pockets to answer it.

"Hello," I answered, "Hey, it's Tori. Your neighbour." the person replied, which was Tori. Tori is my next door neighbour. Both our apartments are right beside each other. She's a good looking girl but I've never seen her more than just a friend. I guess I could consider her a friend at the very least.

"We should hang out tomorrow, grab coffee and talk?" she laughed for a brief time and died down to awkward silence since I haven't spoken a word.

"Hey. you should speak. Don't leave me hangin' here," she chuckled at the end. "Uh, sorry I was looking at a stone just now. . ."

"Ah Luhan, you and your jokes. But yeah, I'm still serious about tomorrow. I mean like it's not a date or anything but. . . I just want to get to know you more. As friends?" her voice cracked a little as she tried to spit every word out. But staring at the stone wasn't a joke, I was actually serious.

"Sure, I'll see if I have time." I smiled, hearing her laugh after I responded.

"Okay, see you then. Bye." she hung up and it left a beeping sound. I felt happy, at least I had friend.

* * *

After getting the groceries that I needed, I started heading back home. Walking in the streets was my casual everyday activity, I guess. I normally do this in a daily basis to get exercise and get my body stretching.

Then, it started raining. It poured harder than I thought it would. Unfortunately, I didn't have my umbrella with me. My clothes were getting soaked and the grocery bags were filling up with water, it made it harder for me to maneuver street to street since weight has been pulling me down. I stopped and bent down to my knees to drain the water that filled my bags as I go through them each by each. Suddenly, the rain stopped—as I looked up, the rain kept going, but beyond that; an umbrella was hovered on top of my head. With it, was a boy with light brown hair, with a stern look on his face, whom glance down before me. As I was done draining my grocery bags, I stood back up on my own feet and faced him.

"Thank you," I thanked him and he didn't responded. I stared at him, I made sure I remembered his face. So that maybe one day, I'd do the same thing.

He left whilst I was on a daze, trying to sought out my train of thoughts that the boy had left within me.

Rain began pouring again. I couldn't ponder as to why I was feeling a little bit funny. But I have known for sure, ever since I looked straight into his eyes, they were remarkable. It gave me a glimpse of happiness, somehow, it was unexplained; to me it was.

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