Chapter 9-Coming for seconds

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“I’m alright. Ok I wanted to explain the whole gang thing to you.” I whispering and getting straight to the point.

“Yeah that was a bit of a shocker,” he admitted, running a hand through his gorgeous hair.

“Ok so. When I was 13 Kole found me and at the time my life was a wreck. You know abusive parents, no friends, crappy school and even crappier grades. He offered me a place in his gang the Eagles. I gladly accepted and I have been happy with that decision ever since. I have been taught heaps about the gang life and as you saw I am one of our best. Eli is second dog and one of my best friends. He helped me to be the person I am today. Kole, the other guy who was here, is the leader of our gang. Eli had come to rescue me earlier and yeah.” I explained hoping he wouldn’t be too shocked.

“Now I know how you felt when I was talking about Tropia.” He exclaimed a smile breaking across his face.

“Oh you still have no idea,” I teased but it was true. “At least what I said was believable. You guys were talking about another realm and everything. I am just part of a top notch gang. Plus you haven’t even began to tell me about the place you live in.” I stated with a smile on my face. We laughed at each other.

As soon as I started my stomach started to ache like hell again. I winced in pain and soon stopped. Once Bradley realised I was no longer laughing he started to stare at my face. “Look, I understand that I probably look like the living dead right now but cut me some slack and stop staring. I was shot.” I stated knowing exactly what I looked like after being in hospital.

“No, you look…you look beautiful.” He replied. I was shocked. He must be joking.

“Haha very funny,” I said sarcastically. “Really you can stop now.”

“No you really are beautiful. No matter what you look like. Not only are you the hottest girl I have ever seen but you are so loyal to your friends. I mean you hardly knew Leah and you kept asking about her wellbeing. You made sure that, that guy outside didn’t do too much damage to me and vice versa. You didn’t shoot the guards outside your door like some people do and you risked your life to save Eli. You are beautiful inside and out.” He stated. I could feel my cheeks burning. Why does he have to be so nice at times but cocky at others? Is he even telling the truth? I mean he could just be feeling sorry for me because I did kind of get shot, again!

“Hey I am sure if you look up the word hot in the dictionary there is a picture of you, not me.” I replied and both started to smile.

Suddenly the door burst open and Eli appeared with a grin on his lips. Although it didn’t reach his eyes and his small dimple near his ear wasn’t showing so I knew he had it on for his act. While I act like nothing bothers me and throw around some witty remarks when around my enemy, Eli becomes even more cocky than he usually is. But what has got him to put on this mask?

“What’s wrong?” I asked staring up at Eli.

“They’re here.” He simply whispered.

“Who?” Bradley whispered starting look worried himself.

The Mad after the BadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora