Chapter 7-Kidnappie

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Chapter 7-Kidnapppie

I awoke and fluttered my eyes before opening them completely. I was startled when instead of being met by my light blue ceiling I saw a dark grey wall. I started to lean back but felt a pang of pain course through my body. I noticed that my feet had been tied unbareably tight and as I shifted I realised so had my hands. In fact they had been tied so tight that my feet were bleeding and from the wet patch on my back I could tell my hands were too. My entire torso was pulsing with pain. I feel like I had just entered a pro boxing match and stood absolutely still as my opponent punched me multiple times. This is probably exactly what happened but instead of standing I was knocked out. 

I knew this is probably what they had done because that is what we did. I mean I myself have been part of a gang since I was 13. It all started when I was I participating in a very rough game of wrestling when a man dragged me away. Following my instincts I attacked him in self defence. He was impressed in what I could do and offered me a place in their gang. At that time my mother was ignoring me and my step-dad, Greg was being a dick to not only my mother but to me seeing as we were the only girls. He even started beating me whenever he got really mad. Seeing as my life was so crap I accepted the position. 

I was given a home, money, friends and so much more. Even though I was about 3 years younger than everyone else I felt like I belonged. In return I was to perform gang duties, like kidnapping and drug dealing. I was proud to be part of the Eagles. Kole, our leader, was my rolemodel. He picked me up of the streets, saved my life and gave my life some adventure.

From personal experience aka kidnapping people myself I knew that they probably knocked me out with some sleeping gas then beat the crap out of me so I wasn’t as strong when I awoke. It also meant that torturing me for answers would be easier later on.

Unfortunately for them I knew exactly what to do in these situations. Kole had taught us and I had already put it to use quite a few times. We had to learn what to do since the Eagles were the top gang in our area, so people would try to over throw us. I had already built a high threshold for pain and knew not to scream or show any pain.

“Well, hello,” a voice chimed. The sleek woman walked over to me, her face covered by a black mask. “I see the princess is awake.” Obviously these people knew very little about me. Just as I thought that I was greeted with a strong kick to the ribs but I remained with a straight face. I had done this too many times to give in this easily.

The woman was definitely shocked when I did not scream or even groan in pain. She threw a few punches at my face before kicking my gut again. She started to walk off but not before stepping on my foot the wrong way and screaming in aggravation, since I had not even winced.

 As soon as she was out of sight I started to examine the damage. A broken nose, 2 black eyes, a bruise on my right cheek, a split lip, a few broken ribs, bruised torso and broken/badly sprained left foot. Fantastic this lady was going to be the death of me. Most people are satisfied just beating you while your unconscious or won’t give them any answers. Or when you are annoying them.

I felt my body beating in pain but I refused to pay any attention to it. Instead I decided to see if I could recognise the place I was being held hostage in. There weren’t any windows around so I guessed we were probably underground or in a warehouse.

“SHE WON’T EVEN SCREAM!” I heard a lady yell. It was the same lady that had abused me earlier. She was yelling from the other side of the closed door that was opposite me. “Calm down. She will hear you.” Whispered another voice. It was familiar but strange. “NO! WHAT IS SHE? SUPERWOMAN? IT’S LIKE SHE NEVER WOKE UP!” she screamed stamping her foot so hard I could feel the vibrations from where I was sitting. If I didn’t know any better I would laugh at her because of how I kept my cool, but I knew better. I was taught that in these situations it was best to just shut your mouth and pretend you can’t hear a thing, no matter what they say.

“Shhh. Look I understand you love the blood curtailing screams that come with beating some one up but maybe this girl is just a bit stronger than you first thought.” The man once again whispered in a very hushed tone. Maybe he thought I was asleep and didn’t want me to wake up cause then he has to face me?

“No you don’t understand. She didn’t even frown,” the lady hissed. I almost smirked at this statement but made sure not to. I was happy that I hadn’t of frowned even though I knew I could do it the praise was still appreciated.

Although I would never show it outside to anyone I was a bit scared. Not a lot, just a bit. I mean seriously. I get trapped in a room with some mad scientist, get saved by some flaming bird, see a talking tortoise, meet a girl that ends up being poisoned, being told that sorcesses would heal her, meet some cute, funny guy who can turn himself into a bird, meet my ex who I would like to kill may I add, nearly get sexually harassed, kidnapped and now tortured. WOW! Bradley never mentioned any of this when he said I was going to a queen.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a buff man standing in the door frame. In the corner I could see the lady. She looked scared to bits. I swear if I get out of here and we end up finding her, let’s just say she won’t last very long. I probably won’t kill her but I am sure she would be as open as a book and get a very sore body from all the punches we would land on her.

The man closed the door before he took a few steps forward until he was right in front of my face. His face was covered in a black mask too. He had dark green eyes and black hair that spiked up in all different directions. “I hear you’re quite a tough girl.” He states. “Shouldn’t you thank me?” the man asked. I was puzzled for a moment before he lifted his shirt to his ribs showing a bald eagle. He winked at me and then it all hit me.

“Kole?” I asked? “No, Eli.” Eli was second dog. If anything were to happen to Kole he would take his place. “You fucking scared me! I thought you were going to fucking rape me or something.” I whisper yelled. He let out a chuckle and shook his head ferociously.

“I’m here to help. As soon as you went missing I “joined” this gang because they said they had gotten a girl that looked exactly like you and they were holding you for ransom. Kole wanted to go but everyone knows who he is and these people seemed to be clueless of who I really was so I joined.” He explained, making finger bunnies the first time he said joined.

“They really are quite stupid,” I whispered very softly so as not to be over heard. Eli was probably my second best friend in our gang after Kole. He assisted Kole in training me into who I am today.

Eli pulled out a pocket knife and started gnawing away at the ropes. “They know how to tie a knot huh?” he asked as he looked at my bleeding wrists. “I have been through worse. You and me both know.” I stated. It was true. I had been held hostage for weeks before being beaten everytime I didn’t breathe the right way or moved at the wrong time.

“Yeah that was not Reid’s best move but we got payback,” he replied while finishing up on the knots on my hands so that I was free. I tried to stand up but instead I fell back onto the floor. “Forgot about after tied pain.” I hissed as I rub my backside, feet and wrists.

“Yeah that’s always been a bitch,” Eli provided. He held out his hand and helped me to my feet. “So whats the plan?” I asked as I got my feet back into the habitat of walking. “Ummm,” he said as he scratched the back of his neck embarrassed.

“Trust you Eli, to come and rescue me without a plan.” I tease. “How many guards are there outside?” I asked hoping to be able to come up with a plan. “About 3 give or take a few.” He answered. I groaned. I know I should be thankful but still. He came to rescue me and forgot to get any information. “Ok how about this. I take the ones on the left and you take the ones on the right. We’ll take it from there,” I suggest. He nods his head. I started for the door before I was pulled back by my elbow.

“You might need this,” Eli offered shoving a gun in my direction. I nod my head in appreciation. I put the weapon into my belt as well as the knife I had found when I was walking around. “Ready?” I whisper as I put my hand on the door. He shakes his head up and down as a symbol that this was the time. I opened the door and was surprised to see the sight before me. My eyes widened by about 20 times to see the person standing in front of me.

“Hey, Alexa.” He said.  

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