Lighting The Fire

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Our eyes locked in an erotic way. Nervous I broke the gaze and started towards my chair.

"Please, have a seat" I muttered with a shaky voice. He saunters his perfectly shaped and chiseled body into the seat across from me. Looking absolutely edible wearing dark jeans and a white button up that fit him tight in all the right places. Carissa! I sneer at myself. I was practically drooling over the guy.

"So I was informed we'd be working together." An award winning smile stretched across his face. His eyes intent on mine. I knew he could see straight through me.

"Yes, that's correct," palms sweaty I willed myself not to fidget in my seat. Why was I so nervous? I never get nervous. "We will be doing some shoots together as well as some out of country gigs." I swallow hard and look up at this gorgeous man before me.

I'm guessing he could sense my nervousness as a sly smirk appeared on his face. "Let me take you out to dinner." He said quite confidently. It wasn't really a question. How should I answer?

"I mean since we will be working together so much I'd like to get to know you." Get to know me? Although I've had offers I always kept my head in the books and my mind on money. I'm 23 and I could count how many dates I've been on, on one hand. Still silent he continues.

"I insist. I'll pick you up at 8 tonight." And with our brief meeting he stood up and with light eyes filled with lust and excitement "it was a pleasure meeting you, I look forward to our date as well as working with you." And with that he shut the door behind him.

What just happened? I'm going on a date? I didn't even say yes... I don't even know how to act on a date. What should I wear. Exasperated with all these questions I sink into my chair and grab my phone. Not even wanting to open my eyes I tell Siri to call Elisa.

Elisa was my best friend. My rock. When I had a problem she was there to listen to all my problems. She grounded me when my feet seemed to leave the ground.

She should know what to do in this case considering she was much more experienced than I was.

A few moments later she answers.

"Hey biotchhhh! where the hell have you been?" I can hear the annoyance in her voice.

"I'm sorry I been busy with..." She cuts me off mid sentence.

"With work.. I know. But I miss my best friend ya know. Anyway enough of me bitchin', what's up?"

"Uhmmm... I kinda have a date."

"WHAT" practically bursting my ear drum. "I can't believe it. You a date? Ha, this should be interesting." She ends with a giggle. Oh yea this was helping me a lot. " Where are you guys going? Never mind that who is he? How'd you meet? When'd this happen?"

"Elisa" I exclaim clearly annoyed. "It happened today. He's a model. His name is Shaun."


"The very one."

"Oh god he's so yummy" I stifle a giggle as she begins to explain to me how I need to wear something sexy yet classy enough to give him a taste but keep him wondering.

What was I getting myself into? it was a quick conversation and with her final advice of telling me not to fuck this up I hung up.

I had to get home I needed to prepare for what I hoped would be the beginning of something great. Little did I know what I was actually getting myself into.

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