Second [M]

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Your phone buzzes on your table, signaling a call. However, you're in the middle of a lecture. You check the caller ID and see that a certain CEO is calling you. You pick up the call, speaking as softly as you can.


No one speaks but you can hear a baby crying in the background. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Jongin asks, also speaking softly as if he's here with you and is trying to be as quiet as he can.

"Kinda. I'm in a lecture," you whisper. Luckily, you're one of the few who sits at the back of the lecture theatre. "Is anything wrong?"

"Where did you keep Taeoh's biscuits?"

You laugh. To think he called you just for this. "In the cupboard of the pantry."

"It was in my office..." He mutters to himself. You hear a door opening on the other side.

"I rearranged all the edible stuff to the pantry," you tell him. It's been a little more than a month since you've started working for the CEO and yet he still has no clue where everything is.

"I won't disturb you then. See you ASAP."

He hangs up the call and you chuckle at your phone. ASAP? Is he doing that terribly with his son? Since your mid-semester tests have all ended and you're just a few days away from your mid-term break, you decide to let loose a little. You only bring your phone and wallet with you when you go for your babysitting job. You normally bring your notes along so you can at least get a bit of studying done. But today you don't do that. You've also earned a temporary working pass in the company so Jongin doesn't have to come down to get you.

When the elevator gets to the highest floor, you're greeted by a sight of Jongin sitting tiredly on the couch while his son messes up the place. The father glances in your direction, perking up when he sees that it's you.

"You're here!" He exclaims, though he still doesn't get up from his spot on the couch.

"What happened to you?" You laugh, carrying Taeoh when he crawls towards you. He has recognised you by now and it seems to you that he likes being carried by you.

"Remind me to never have another meeting with a baby ever again," he groans. Jongin looks at you with sad and tired eyes. "I wish you were here everyday."

"You'll get sick of me," you chuckle, sitting next to him as you play with his son.

"I'm always careful with I wish for," Jongin murmurs. You glance at him and see him watching you play with Taeoh. "And I know I want you here everyday."

You blush but nonetheless answer, "Taeoh can't be that big of a bully." You cup the child's face and plant a big kiss on his cheek. "Right, baby?"

"He's growing up," Jongin tells you, sighing. "He's getting naughtier." Then he adds softly, "And I work better with you around me. I feel better too."

"Why? Am I like a mother figure to you too?" You tease.

"Kind of," Jongin laughs softly. "Maybe I trust you so much so I feel too comfortable with you. It's weird... I don't know."

"Why's it weird?"

"Because I hardly trust anyone." He gives you a look, "Especially after Taeoh's mother."

You soften, reaching out to his hand that is resting on the couch. You squeeze his fingers, giving him a warm smile. He sighs in content and closes his eyes. Taeoh starts to wriggle on your lap, so you set him down, taking your hand away from his father's. You watch Taeoh hold onto the sofa seat to boost himself to stand just like he always does. He starts to walk along the length of the sofa and then lets go of the furniture completely to walk a few steps on his own. You don't even realise that your breath is held until Taeoh falls on his bum. You nudge Jongin's arm repeatedly.

Benefits Of Being A Babysitter { COMPLETED }Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin