ii. baseball

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steve was never a big fan of baseball games. the people, the overpriced food, and the aggressive fanatics screaming at the players even though they will never be heard.

what steve hated most was the fact that he never had anyone to go with. maybe if he did, he would not be so bitter. he saw everyone with their friends or significant other and he'd get jealous. jealous that he didn't have anyone he could share the moment with.

despite the all this, he still went. alone but he went.

bucky on the other hand absolutely loved the games. he loved the rush it gave him. to be so close yet so far from something. to be able to witness "history being made" as he liked to say.

he loved every aspect of it.

he especially loved to go alone. he didn't need anyone. he didn't want anyone. he was happy all by himself. independent.


steve pushed his way through the crowds of people to get to his seat. it wasn't the best seat he could have bought but it was better for him. the further you were, the less people would yell.

it was common sense, the players aren't going to hear you from all the way up here. and people understood that, most of them did anyways.

when steve sat down in his seat, he felt something sticky make contact with his hand.

"great, gum." he muttered under his breath.

"i guess you could say you got yourself into a sticky situation." bucky smiled. he was sitting in the row behind steve.

"very clever," steve shot back. he studied the man with blue-green eyes and smiled.

"there's an empty seat beside me if you want it, i don't think anyone's coming."

steve looked at the empty seat beside this stranger. he stood up and walked around to the seat. he didn't want to jump over and embarrass himself.

"my names james by the way, but you can call me bucky." bucky extended his hand, offering a handshake.

"steve." they shook hands and remained silent throughout the game. a few claps here and a couple remarks there but not much else.

every now and then steve would glance at bucky. intrigued by his facial features. he could see the stubble growing on his face, the way his eyebrows furrowed when a player would strike out. the way his eyes would focus so hard on the game. bucky would catch steve a few times and laugh.

"im gonna go get something to drink, do you want anything?" bucky stood from his seat.

"no thanks, I've got my water." steve holds up his water bottle that is almost empty.

"are you sure?"

"yes, thank you."

when bucky returns, a timeout has been called by the opposite team and the kiss cam has started to run.

at first, it focuses on a couple holding hands. the woman notices they are on the kiss cam and immediately hides her face. the man she is with pulls her into his arms and kisses her, the crowd goes wild.

next is a couple that seems to be mad at each other. the woman is using her phone while her spouse nudges her. they kiss and go back to their activities.

finally, the camera focuses on two men. sitting next to each other but not together.

bucky and steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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