The Glare On The Moon

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"So she may never walk? I'm sorry Stardust..." Moonglare says. Stardust shakes her head.

"As long as I'm with you I'll be fine." Stardust says. Bloodquill smiles at the two dragonets in front of him.

"You two are so cute. You make me want to help you for a while. I'll stay with you for a few weeks, teach you how to hunt so you can support your sister. And Stardust, while I'm here I will try to help you walk." Bloodquill said.

"Really?! You'll help us!?" Moonglare asks. He nods. "Thank you so much!"

"By the way I'm curious....but what exactly are we. Moonglare and I are sisters but we are completely different in color and our tails and wings." Stardust asks.

" appear to be a hybrid. A night and sandwing hybrid. You two are special." He said. The sisters look at each other and smile.

~A Few Months Later~

Bloodquill stayed with the two hybrids for these few months. With his help, Moonglare is a great hunter and Stardust has been helped to where she can walk on her own now. The sisters are ever grateful to the nice icewing who stumbled upon them the night they hatched.

"Well now you can fend for yourselves. I enjoyed my time with you two. I hope you two will live happy lives. I must go now, I need to go visit an old friend. I hope we meet again." Bloodquill said as he spreads his wings preparing for flight. The two sisters wave bye as he takes off for the skies.

Night was fast approaching the two dragons so they lie down and prepare for bed. Stardust fell asleep quickly. Moonglare lays there with her eyes closed, but something soon flashes through her mind. She sees chopped images of her sister....mangled and bloody. She opens her eyes in a fright and looks down at her sister. She was fine though so she sighed in relief.

~ Five years later~

Moonglare is worried for her sister. Over the years she only sees the vision of her sister's death. And more parts have been revealed over time. She will die in the talons of a group of black dragons. She doesn't know the location or time though, but with how often she sees these visions her death may be close.

"Hey Moon....I want you to know something..." Stardust said.

"What is it?" Moonglare asks a bit concerned.

".....If something ever happens to me....I will always be with you." She said, a small smile on her face. Moonglare wraps her wings around her sister.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you." Moonglare said. She looks up at the cloudy sky. The night resembles the one in her visions. "Come, let us find a safe place to sleep.." They began to walk through the forest when a twig snapped behind them. Moonglare looks back, her eyes grew wide when she saw a black dragon with red eyes. It had the sail and barb that she had. Two other dragons come out of the shadows. Both black with red eyes. One had massive wings and smoke rising from its nostrils. The other was massive and bulky, one of the biggest dragons they've ever seen.

"Moon...." Stardust was shaking beside her.

"Stardust run!" Moonglare yells. They both start to run away from the black trio. Moonglare looks back and notices her sister is panting heavily and that she was falling behind. The bulky black dragon caught up to her and tackled her to the ground. Moonglare was about to stop when her sister yelled out to her.

"Run and live!" A tear fell from Moonglare's eye as she stopped to look back. The black sandwing charged at her. It grabbed Moonglare's face with two taloned paws. She clawed at its stomach and it let her go, screeching in pain. Moonglare took this opportunity to hide in the bushes. She watched as the slim black dragon with smoke rising from its mouth began to claw at her sister. It let loose a fury of slashes that were leaving deep gashes. Once it was done, the sandwing stood over her and used its talons to dig deep into her chest and removed her heart. It left it attached and laid the still beating heart down beside her. The three left and Moonglare came out of hiding. She slowly walked over to her dying sister. "M-Moon...."

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