Chapter 5

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That Jason guy, was totally a rammstein fan.

He looked at the guys like they were everything.

So I stood up, all the guys looking at me. "Where are you going?" Paul asked in 0.5 sec.

"Can't a lady go to a bathroom without getting asked?" I laughed at him and walked out.

I saw Jason and walked up to him. "Hello, I have a quick question." I smilled at him. He looked at me with pure shock. "Y-yeah, ask me." He smilled.

"Are you a fan of Rammstein?" I asked. His face turned. "Is it that visible?!" He started to panic I don't know why.

"No no! I just noticed, I don't know if the guys have noticed yet." I smilled at him with a laugh.

"You stay here I'll be right back." I left that boy standing there.

I walked back in and asked the guys. "Guys do you have any of your concert tickets on you for tommorows show?"

They all looked at me and looked in theyre pockets.

"Ah yess, found one." Till pulled one out. "Thanks Till!" I snached that ticket from his arm and walked back to Jason.

"Why did-" I cutted Reesh off, by closing the door.

"Jason, do you have a ticket for tommorows rammstein show?" I asked looking at him.

"No.. I want to go so bad, but I haven't had enough money for it. Maybe next year." He smilled at me and was about to walk away.

When I pulled him back and putted the concert ticket in his palms.

"Knock yourself out tommorow." I winked and walked back.

All the guys looked at me, while eating theyre food.

"What?" I smilled at them, and sat down.

"Why did you need the ticket?" Till asked looking at me. "Met a fan, they couldn't afford a ticket."

"You have a big heart, and it's not always good." Till sayied in a serioud voice.

I looked at him, suprised what he just sayied to me.

So I just shuted up and started to eat.

The last time I had dinner was in my mom and dads funeral.

Which brought me back into time.


"Honey if I don't make it.. OMG... please know that we always will love you and protect you... HELP US GOD!!!... I-I we love you, and know this forever..."

The line went dead when screams were heard.

I felt like dying the same day. I thought the world is the darkest place. I thought so much. And never thought of an answer, why this happened.


I felt like crying again. Sobbing until my chest hurted. Until my eyes burned.

But I understood I am in a cafe, with 6 guys looking at me. Worrying their buts off.

"I'm ok." Was all I sayied. "No you're not!" Paul snapped.

"Yes, I am!" And stood up and ran out.

I heard cameras going off. Not that shit again. And just ran away. Like a child I am.


At home Star questioned my mood. But I ignored her and ran to my room.

Closed and locked the door. I went to my messy table. Full of different drawings and sketches. Drawings in the bin, paper all around the floor.

I pulled my drawer and saw a small photo frame.

I took the small precious thing to me and looked at it.

A photo of me, my dad and mom.

For the longest time in my life I felt like I don't belong in this world or the world is trying me. The world thought that killing my parents would of been a great idea. But It wasn't. It was the worst. I still get heart pain from this from them...

I came out of my room. "Star?"

Star ran up to me scared to death. "Omg... you scared me.."

"Star... Can I borrow your car?"


Hehe I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is a filler be tuned for more! I love you people. <3

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