Chap 2

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// pic of royalty \\

Chapter 2 📢

> Royalty's house <

"What chu do today?" I asked royalty, wrapping a lock of her curly hair around my finger. I leaned down and pressed my lips firmly against hers before she could reply. My actions made her smile up at me and keep my head in place to lengthen the kiss.

Royalty's head was laid down on my chest and she was watching some reality tv show. She lowered the volume on the tv and told me about her day and when she was done asked about mine. I told her vaguely what happened and then we started making out again. I flipped us over, with her at the bottom of me. I slowly started kissing her neck and sucking harshly causing her to whimper and squirm. I trailed my lips further down to her collar bone and she started taking off her top.

Our actions were both stopped when my phone rang. I was reaching to grab the device when Royalty took my hand. "Leave it." She said pouting her cute lips.

"Naw baby it might be important." I said, kissing her bottom lip and pulling it in mine. I pulled away jumping off her and taking the call and walking in the kitchen.

"Yo Mark." I answered.

"Why df you took so long." He snapped. But df-

"Chris in the hospital mane! Hurry and get here!" He said and cut the line. F.uck

Bet it's another asthma attack I thought, before rushing into the living and grabbing my keys.

"What's wrong?" Royalty shot up when she saw my frantic state.

"My friend in the hospital." I said and walked out not waiting for her reply.

I jumped into my Range Rover putting the keys into the ignition, when the passenger side of the door opened and royalty sat down. "Wtf Royalty I -"

"I'm coming wit chu." She said, latching on her seatbelt and swiftly putting her hair in one of those bands. I stared at her a few moments before reversing out of her drive and speeding down the street.

The hospital

"Christian Gomez." I rushed out my reply to the front desk lady. She replied with a room number and a floor and I was rushing towards the elevators. In the elevator, I hastily pressed the button to the floor a sigh escaping my lips. Gawd Christian.

I opened my eyes and Royalty was staring at me, I knew she was feeling sorry for me. Thank gawd she didn't tell me it's going to be ight because I hated when people told me that in bad situations. It didn't help a I always gon be frantic until otherwise.

As the numbers were counting down I was praying in my head for Christian to be okay. We been best friends since we were 12. Christina moved to France, where I grew up, and we end up meeting when he transferred to my school. Before I knew it Chris was my homie and we always had each other's backs. Him and Dylan were mah closest friends. I opened my eyes and saw the elevator was down to 5 seconds. Royalty slowly walked up to me and took my hand into hers and just gave me a small smile.
I appreciated her support so much right now.

When the elevator doors opened I rushed out, my hand still in Royalty's.

"Doctors said he gonna be ight but he got to lay off the smoking but you know Chris and that ain't happenin." Lamar said eyeing Royalty before looking at me again.

I shook my head at the news. We continuously told him to stop the smoking and the drinking because he knows it can trigger his asthma. He even told us he quit.

I took a seat in one of the chairs when the doctor came out of Christian's room. "Okay Again, remind your friend of his condition and to cut down on his smoking and drinking or else next time he won't be so lucky. We're just going to leave him over night just to get some rest." The doctor nodded at us and walked off.

He told us Christian was out like a light due to the medication they gave him and to come back tomorrow. I was grateful my best friend was okay. Thank gawd.

"Christian wanna play he messing up his life." Dylan shook his head in disappointment.

"You called up his mother?" Lamar asked from his seat across from us.

"Yea but you know she ain't coming nowhere."

Yea we all knew that but a mother still deserves to know what going down with her child. Ever since his mother started dealing drugs and all that shi.t Christian's father left and his mother turned crazy. All this happened when Christian was 17. He kept it on the dl for a year and moved out.  If you know how I disliked that woman. Christian from the beginning didn't plan to go to college and that's how my dad and ma helped him out and gave him a place to stay. Yea my parents had money and they were living in France while I moved down here to LA.  I even told Christian to stop by the studio but he kept telling me that wasn't his vibe that he'll fine something for him. All the while he been working as a mechanic still bringing in that paper for himself.

it was Dylan, Mark and myself into the music and Lamar owned his father's bar.

It was around 9 pm when the guys and I left the hospital. I had introduced them all to Royalty but I didn't miss the look being shared between Royalty and Lamar. I ain't question her yet dho.

I dropped Royalty home and went home to mah place. I showered,  pulled on some shorts and laid in my bed rapping some of my tracks. I checked the time and it was half 11. I was about to close my eyes when Rick messaged me telling me that I was meeting Tyla on the 20th. Oh yea the duet. I replied with a '👍🏽' closing my eyes and waiting for that sleep to come.

The next morning I woke up and dressed to go to the gym but texted my parents first telling them that Christian was okay. I worked out at the gym whole day until it was edging closer to the time when the crew was meeting at my place. I grabbed my car jumped into my Range Rover heading home but pulled up at a corner store to get a few beers. I rolled into the store and went to the lane to get a case of beer. While I was getting my shït I heard cussin in the other lane. I looked around and the place empty just me, the cashier and I guess the people arguing in the other lane.

I was about to go the front to cash my beer when I heard crying and a male voice arguing for the person to 'shut up'. Df.
I walked into the other lane and saw some dude holding up a girl hands above her head and pointing his finger up in her face. It was then I realized it was the same two who came out the Benz that night when I was smoking my blunt outside the studio.

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