Chapter 1: Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"If I am to die my love, at least I'll be by my beautiful queen's side" said king Winetka.

"I'll be by your side forever, my love" said queen Linley.

As they said that, the dark armies outside had a total number of 2 million soldiers. More than enough to wipe this civilization out. And they were advancing fast as they broke through the gates that were keeping them from advancing.

"Leave no traces of life in your wake!" shouted a ghoul in general armor.

The other ghouls did just that and they slaughtered every knight or animal they saw. The citizens that were evacuated were outside their great kingdom, in the great desert and they could only watch the monsters invade their home while the generals and their remaining forces guided them away. Just then, a small child noticed something in the great distance and it was approaching them fast.

"Mommy, what's that?" asked the child.

Soon everyone noticed the anomaly and they became tense. It could be something horrible for all they knew. It wasn't long before the anomaly approached them and every one could see.....a boy riding a horse.

"Ah yes, I remember this scene very well. I was 14 years old at the time and this was among one of my earliest adventures. This was my fifth one if I remember correctly and my hair was slightly longer back then too. Look at how tall I was, I sure do miss it" thought the future James as he remembered this scene.

It wasn't long before the younger prince James got off his horse and approached the generals.

"Greetings, I am prince James of Domino. I have come to aid you in this fight against the undead creatures" said James.

"Greetings to you as well my prince but I'm afraid you've come at a bad time. The creatures of darkness have already ravaged our kingdom and right now...we have to get these survivors away from here as far as possible" said a general.

"Hold the phone general, don't run away just yet" said James as he walked towards the burning kingdom.

"You can't go back there, its suicide!" shouted another general.

" me on this one" said James.

Soon James was in the kingdom of Romulea and all the ghouls just stared at him. The moment he brought a simple sword out, the ghouls began laughing.

"Do you not see that you are vastly outnumbered?" asked the ghoul general.

"Oh trust me, I do see that. But you know what else I see? I see fellas who might vastly enjoy watching ME pound some dense into you" said James.

The general did not like what James had said and he immediately ordered his troops to kill him. James just smiled and shook his head.

"When will they ever learn......." thought James.

He then kicked a ghoul so hard it crashed into several others that they all splattered upon hitting the wall. The ghoul general then stared at James with saucer like eyes.

"That they are messing with a champion" thought James.

Inside the castle, the king and queen could hear the sounds of battle. Didn't they order their people to retreat? Looking out the window, they could see a lone boy fighting an entire horde of ghouls all by himself and he was actually winning. They could see the boy punching, kicking, slicing and blasting the enemies away. He was succeeding at something an entire army of soldiers couldn't accomplish.

The people of Romulea and the generals also watched as this warrior wiped out an entire army that vastly outnumbered theirs. Soon It was just the ghoul general left.

Prince James: Son of DominoWhere stories live. Discover now