Chapter Two

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As I walked into Mr. McCray 's room happiness instantly fueled my body. Politics was my favorite and class since my freshman year. We debated everything possible, anything two people didn't agree on basically. Most kids just took this class so once they turned 18 they knew what all they were actually voting for.

"Luna! We were just getting ready to talk about LGBT rights in our community." I scoffed, everybody in this room knew how I felt about this topic, yet people decided to talk about it freely in front of me.

"There shouldn't be a discussion. They are people. However they chose to live their lives should not be an open invitation for people to hate them. Everybody should be able to have the same rights as the person standing right beside them no matter what their sexual preferences are. Blacks, whites, christians, atheists, gay, straight, or transgenders, they have a right to their own opinion and be able to live their lives full of love for themselves. Just because you have a hate for them, that probably comes from deeper inside your soul, don't ruin their happiness because your own hatred."

I was glaring at the only boy in the class that would challenge anything I said, actually scratch that. He challenged everything I said even though I knew he agreed with me on this subject. Abel Teller, was sitting in the back of the room like he always did with a smirk on his face. Gosh, I couldn't stand his arrogant attitude or anything about him. I knew he didn't have a problem with the LGBT community because his older brither Elijah was a gay transgender.

"Any others willing to share their opinions." Mr. McCray said. I held my gaze with Abel, perfecting my death glare in the process.

"I do." I kept my stare on Abel while he talked.

"Luna, if the LGBT community has their right to their own opinion why can't the people who do not believe in what they are doing share their own opinion about it." He smirked back up at me with some sort of twinkle in his hazel eyes. He thought this was funny. He was a complete and utter douchebag.

"I'm not saying they shouldn't have a right to their own opinion, I am saying their opinion doesn't really matter because it isn't their life. They don't have to deal with the hate, because they are the one giving it. If they dislike it so much then why talk about it, why surround yourself in? Why even care. I believe in equality, no matter what because I am a civilized human being."

I turned around knowing, thinking that the conversation was over.

"Like your mom, right? I mean she wanted that, that's what she believed in. So you are basically your mom."

I turned back around. I can't believe he just said that to me. I loved my mom, she was my hero, but she made some pretty shitty decisions in life regarding her future and, Koray and I.

"Mr. Teller, you know you aren't allowed to bring personal lives up in debates." I could tell Mr. McCray wasn't happy about Abel's comment, but Abel doesn't care.

He doesn't care about anything but himself. I hate him. I hate him so much. He had no idea what my past was like, or my life today and he knew it. I hate him so freaking much, words couldn't even describe it.

I stared at him, I couldn't stop. My throat became dry and tight, I could hear my heart beat in my ears. How could he say something like that when he was best friends with my brother? That stupid little. I walked right up to him, as I was doing this he was standing up. Him being a solid 6'3", like my brother, he towered over my tiny frame. I was less than a foot away from him, his smirk was gone and his face was hard and cold now. I imagine mine looked similar, maybe even worse.

Nobody interrupted our stare down, they let us go, but they really had no choice. Sudden rage over came my body as I raised my hand and hit the right side of his face. I heard some gasps and whispering when he turned back to look at me. His eyes looked black with rage as he stared down at me. I wasn't scared of Abel Teller. I wasn't scared of anything anymore.

I heard a cough behind us, we were the only ones left in the room other than Mr. McCray. Shit, the bell must of rang and I didn't hear it. I grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom, with my hatred for Abel growing more and more fond.


I just wanted to let you all know that I am not meaning to offend anybody by the topic of the chapter. I believe in equality and the character Abel was just trying to make Luna mad. I hope I didn't offend anybody because that was not my intention.

This is one of my newer stories and please feel free to comment mistakes you find in my writing. Please vote and comment.

xoxo, Jorden

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