Getting Started

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Apple: *confused* Where am I am? What am I doing here? 

(Abbey) Me: *creepily emerging from the shadows* You are just in a secret abandoned building. And you're here so people can ask and dare *does air quotations* the fairest of them all.

Apple: But what if they ask about Legacy Day?! 

Me: Chillax Apple. Maybe they will! *snickers* 

Apple: You're being royally rude!

Me: Well then, let's get this started!

Apple: No way!

Me: Suck it up buttercup! Cause this is happening whether you like it or not.  *turns to Apple and gives her a death stare*

Apple: Uhhhh, fine!

Me: Finally! Let's get this thing started!

Apple: *speaks like a robot* I'm Apple White and I'm here to answer all of your questions and do your dares.

Me: *to Apple* A little, less monotone and more cheery next time, k?

Apple: *mutters* Whatever. Anything to get me out of here.

Me: To ask or dare Apple, comment your dare or question. Apple will gladly *looks over at Apple* answer your questions and complete your dares.

Apple: If I have to.

Me: You do.

Apple: Well then I'll guess I'll see you all once I get some dares. *sarcastically* Yay.

Me: Remember to ask or dare Apple in the comments! The next chapter will be updated when we get a question or dare. Bye! See you soon!

Ask or Dare Apple WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now