Thirty - Say you love me

Start from the beginning

“Hey where are you going?” this female voice makes me stop on my tracks. Oh no. I turn around and find her wrapped in her pink robe with her hair up in a ponytail. She looks high with her puffy eyes and pale skin, I wonder if I look like that as well.

“Uhm, home?” I say, not really knowing what to do next. I don’t wanna talk to her, I want to forget about whatever happened last night. She walks over to me and puts both of her hands on my bare chest, since my shirt is halfway open. Her touch makes my stomach twist a little bit and I don’t know why this is happening.

“You could stay a little bit more” her voice is now lower than before, sounding likes she’s teasing me. My horny side wants to pin her against the wall and kiss her but I know that’s wrong so I take her hands off of me, leaving her with a confused expression on her face.

“I’m sorry, this was a mistake, I don’t even know your name” I pull my phone out of my pocket and click it to check the time. It’s still turned off. Ugh. I look up at her and see her with arms crossed over her ribcage. She simple nods and that’s my cue to leave.

“I’m Phoebe by the way” she shouts, leaned against the door frame while I make my way out of the property.

“Drew!” I shout back to her making her smile. I smile too and then she closes the door. This was awkward. Anyway, I just wanna get home and lay in my own bed to have a proper sleep and hopefully forget about everything that had just happened. I hope Madison’s not there.

I see the familiar street approaching. Jesus, I walked for an hour! I don’t even know how I found the way back to the house. There’s Wesley’s car parked on the drive way. Okay, he’s here and I don’t wanna have to deal with his shit right now. I’m at a point where my feet need to be dragged by my legs, I don’t have the strength to walk anymore. That’s how tired I am. My head’s still heavy and it hurts so badly. Everything around me feels like moving and the ground can’t stand still. I must look like an asshole stumbling around.

I open the door so fast that I almost fall on the carpet in front of me. The house suddenly gets quiet. Or at least, that’s what I think, I can’t really trust my senses anymore. I walk to the kitchen and that’s when I see the face I was hoping not to see. The glares are cutting me like a knife. Her face looks sad and hurt. Did she sleep here? Dumbass, of course she did, she slept with Wes!  That thought makes my stomach tie in knots. I can’t let this affect me, I can’t. Wesley is three or four steps away for me, and as weird as it seems, I didn’t even notice him when I walked in, the first person I saw was Madison sited on the kitchen table taking her breakfast. I walk past him and go to the fridge to get some water. On my way there I see Keaton also sited on the table. Wow, my vision is fucked up. I walk away from there in order to avoid everyone, especially Madison. But I’m stopped by two hands being placed on my shoulders.

“Man what the fuck? Where were you dude?” Wesley’s voice echoes in my head like a freaking honk. Stay away from me Wes, I’m not dealing with your shit, I’m tired and hurt and you stole her from me so don’t make me lose my temper.

“I need to go rest, sorry bro” I try to stay calm so I just walk past him and to my room. I don’t wanna be mad with him or anything but right now I can’t look at him without feeling a punch directed to my heart you know? It’s hard when your best friend always steals the girls from you and I’m tired of that. For once, I would like to know how it feels to be him, to be loved back. It must be a really good feeling.

As soon as I reach the top floor I hear sounds coming from the kitchen. I can’t figure what they’re talking about so I take a few steps back and try to listen.

Let me go talk to him, please

No, you’ll end up getting hurt

My insides are somersaulting. Those words made my blood boil and my fists clench. Why would he say that? If she wants to talk to me then she should. He can’t tell her not to! What the fuck? How could he say that I would hurt her? I would never ever hurt her; she’s too important for me and if that ever happened I would feel miserable. I’m not the one who made her cry, I’m not the one who broke her heart so he has no right to say that! Even though I can’t stand still on my legs, I would give anything for her to talk to me and hear what she has to say. I’m completely sure her voice would make me feel better like it always does. I’m so close to turn back around and beat that dude and bring Madison with me. But I can’t and I’m not doing that, that would only make things worse and I’m not in the best condition. I take a deep breath and drag myself into my room, burying my face on the pillow not worrying with taking these clothes off.

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