Effortlessly You // Muke

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"Now you have to have been checking me out" the voice was familiar, too familiar to come from someone who'd only talked to Luke once before, but it did belong to the young man and when Luke slowly looked up he was sitting there, right there on the other side of the table with his hands around a mug and his eyes fixed on Luke.

"And you have to me checking me out since you seem to notice every time I look at you" Luke didn't know how, but somehow he found the courage to speak up and he even managed to do so without stuttering. "Not that I mind" he then added, not wanting the man to think he didn't like it.

"Guilty as charged." now, Luke has never been much for sappy romantic stories and he's never believed in love at first sight but there is no way he could have denied the butterflies that erupted in his stomach when he saw the small smile on the other man's lips. "Anyway, I won't bother you for long" despite his somewhat punk-ish appearance and the confidence that had been in his voice when he first had come up to Luke he had seemed almost insecure as he reached down for his bag. "I wanted to give you this, like...not to be creepy or anything but yeah" he had handed Luke a piece of paper and Luke had almost immediately recognised it as a drawing, a drawing of Luke.

"Did you....you drew this?" he had asked, earning a shy nod from the other man, before smiling at him. "It's really good, thank you." from there the conversation seemed to flow a bit easier, with the two of them exchanging names, smiles and eventually phone numbers before Luke had to leave. He did so unwillingly but as he went to sleep that night it had been with a smile on his face.


We kept in touch after that, texting and meeting up whenever we could. There would be days when I didn't hear from him at all, days I'd spend reading through our old conversations and trying not to come off as desperate by texting him more than twice without an answer and days I'd spend wondering if maybe he had a girlfriend or a boyfriend he hadn't told me about and that he was talking to instead of with me. I did find out eventually though, after maybe three months of knowing him he sat down and he told me everything. It was a morning in late April and I remember it clearly, more than anything I remember how his eyes were glossed over with tears even before he'd said as much as a word. He rarely cries, up until that moment I had never seen tears in his eyes and in the years that has passed since then it's only happened a few times. But that day he cried, he cried and I cried and I wanted nothing more than to protect him from all harm, to take him in my arms and keep him safe from all the hateful things in the world.


Luke had spent the night at Michael's, as he so often did back then since he was growing tired of his parents constantly asking him questions about this "new acquaintance" of his or wondering when he was going to get his life together and apply for university. He had been standing in the kitchen doing last night's dishes as he listened to the rain's soft drumming on the window. Michael had entered the room, messy haired and barefoot as always, fiddling with the sleeves of his, Luke's, shirt.

"Can we talk?" he had asked and Luke's heart had suddenly felt like a rock as he had tried to think of all the different things Michael could have wanted to talk about. Was he breaking up with him even though they weren't really in a relationship yet? He had nodded none the less and willingly followed the older boy to the combined livingroom and bedroom where they sat on the still unmade bed, Luke situating himself cross-legged right in the middle and Michael on the edge, almost as if he'd wanted to be ready to get up and leave. But he didn't do that. Instead he sat there, telling Luke everything that had happened to him, everything he'd been doing to himself and the reasons to that. And Luke, who had started crying the moment he saw the first tear roll down Michael's cheek, had listened to every single word that came from the older man's lips. And after that they had both sat there in silence, holding each other and crying until one of them, to this day Luke still isn't sure who did it first, fell asleep.

5 Seconds of Summer BoyXBoy one-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang