Part 27

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Would you Rather

be completely invisible for one day


be able to fly for one day?

HairyHarry: fly for one day that would be so awesome

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry really? I'd rather be invisable for one day

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy why's that?

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry so I can do stupid things. Nobody knows it was me and that's just funny

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy like what? Sucking some other guy's dick

ItsMeLucy: HairyHarry no? What the fuck is wrong with you

HairyHarry: ItsMeLucy lol nothing bye

WOULD YOU RATHER - harry stylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora