One day Manik was sitting on his bike outside Nandini's home cum mansion, glancing every now and then towards the balcony in a hope to see Nandini just once. He has not seen Nandini since morning because today was Sunday and the college was off. He was getting restless each passing second on not be able to see Nandini so he came to see her.

Suddenly he saw that the lights of the mansion went and when he glanced towards the window, he saw that there was a shadow who just fell down hitting a table so without any second thoughts he rushed inside. Luckily the door was opened and so he directly rushed upwards and with great difficulty he entered inside the room attached to the balcony. With the help of moonlight he located a figure sitting near the table, holding her ankle. He rushed towards it immediately and as he has expected it was Nandini. She looked visibly scared and anxious and her ankle also had got twist.

He rushed towards her and gently picked her up and laid her down in the bed while she was just looking at him blankly. He switched on the flashlight of his mobile and keeping it on the table, started checking her ankle.

Tum tak..

"What the hell are you doing here? Get out of my house, right now!" She spat at him.

"I'll go once your feet becomes okay and when light will come back. It seems you are scared of dark but don't worry i am here to take you out from all the darkness." He whispered lovingly, looking deep in her eyes. She was stunned to hear at him first. Yes! She was scared of darkness but how did he know that? Was her fear this much evident from her face? Maybe, otherwise how he will know it.

Just then the light also came back lighting her face even more. They both stared deeply in each other's eyes forgetting the world around them. Something changed in Nandini's heart also. She was beginning to like him and surprisingly it all felt correct this time.

"Nandini, I Love You. I really do. I know am not rich but is being wealthy everything?" He questioned her, tears stinging in his eyes.

When she didn't said anything, he continued "I will try to give every happiness to you. I promise! Maybe one day I'll sleep hungry but I'll never let you suffer. I will provide you with everything you need. Just.. just try giving me one chance. I'll die without you Nandini, i swear!"

His words strung so deeply in her heart that she was left speechless for a moment. How can a person love anyone this much? She was sure now that he genuinely loved her very much and listening his words, her feelings also grew.

"Okay. I'll never trouble you again. I promise. Have a happy life ahead Nandini. I wish you'll get someone who will love you more than i do." He took Nandini's silence in a wrong way and hence decided to leave her. He stood up and went out of the house. Nandini was stoned at her place, she tried stopping him but words refused to come out of her lips. She was so much overwhelmed with emotions that she was not able to speak. She tried standing up but failed miserably due to her twisted ankle.

"No one can love me more than you do Manik. Heck! I doubt if anyone could love me as much as you do." She whispered inaudibly as two streams of tears made way out of her eyes.

Chala hoon tum tak
Chalunga tum tak
Mila hoon tum tak
Milunga tum tak (x2)

As soon as Manik left, Nandini took out a letter from her bag. Manik had kept that letter on her doorstep along with a red rose. Though, Nandini had thrown it but on the very next moment she herself have gone picked it up and kept safely in her bag. The letter was of light pinkish colour with a red heart embroidered on its upper most corner.  She opened it and the first sentence which caught her attention was "To Dearest Nandini" smiling wholeheartedly at his choice of words she began reading.

MaNan TS ~ RomeoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz