Chapter Two

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Hello, readers! I hope you guys are doing great! I know I am! Anyway, here is the second chapter in my story. It is shorter than the last one and kind of catches up on what other people were doing the day before Alexis ate the cereal too fast and.... Well, I guess you guys know what she did. :p Also, this chapter will be like the last one: slightly confusing. If my muse doesn't object, I should be able to explain everything in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy!
P.S. Conversations with stars before and after them are telepathic. Ex: *Where are you?* *In the kitchen. Where are you?*
P.P.S. I based the Justice League characters except for Black Canary in this after how they appear in the TV shows Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.


Chapter Two

It was the afternoon before. Six people were gathered around a table, having a meeting. It would be a normal meeting except that the meeting room was in a satellite, which was orbiting the Earth. Also, the people meeting were superheros. Among them were the mentors of the team, along with Black Canary. She had evidently called the meeting, as she was standing and all the other heroes had turned their attention to her. She opened her mouth and was just about to speak when a red blur whizzed through the door to the last empty seat.

"Flash, I hate to break it to you, but you're late," Green Arrow said.

"Hey! Don't blame me!" the speedster retorted. He tapped a mug he was carrying. "The coffee maker was so slow."

Black Canary cleared her throat and shot a glare at the two heroes. They immediately clammed up and gave her their full attention. They knew better than to mess with this dazzling but deadly assassin.

"I'm sure you all know by now why I've called this meeting," the heroine began. "It's about the newest resident of Mount Justice, Alexis Brown. So here's the question: What are we going to do with her?" She let this question sink in for a minute. "What are we going to do with her? She knows all (or almost all) of your protégé's secret identities. She knows that Mount Justice is a superhero secret base. And she knows that Eusker Laboratories is an evil corporation. So what are we going to do?"

Green Arrow cleared is throat uncomfortably. "Canary, you're not trying to suggest we, um...." He drew his finger across his neck.

"No! I am definitely not suggesting that."

"OK, good."

There was silence for a few minutes. Then Batman leaned forward.

"Perhaps you have thought of a way to fix this dilemma, Dinah," he prodded.

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