Chapter 1

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The date is 1997 new years eve. Can I just start by saying the worst day ever? I came to visit my parents for the holidays only to find my mother having fun in bed, but not with my father, no, with a strange man. But he didn't look so strange, he kind of looked like me. A lot like me.
• Farah's POV •

"MOM, DAD I'M HOME!" My voice echoed across the empty olive green halls of the home I grew up in. The front door of the house faces a stair case, I heard a noise coming from up there so why not follow it?

As I slowly ascended the stairs the faint voices became much clearer. Now it sounded much more like a man and a woman giggling.

I found the room and could only think of it as my mom and dad trying to surprise me.

"You guys are the worst a—OH MY GOSH" I can't believe I just saw that. No,  this can't be possible.

"MOM, I DON'T THINK THAT'S DAD." I exclaimed, my eyes grew wider and wider.

"Farah,, Honey, you're back awfully early!"

"Is that her...?" the strange man whispered.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I could only think of the worst. I can't believe her. My own mother.

"Sweetie I'm going to need you to wait down stairs as we make ourselves decent and I promise I'll explain everything to you."

I can't believe this. This is crazy ridiculous.

I heard footsteps walking down the stairs and down came the mystery man and the woman I call mom.

"Honey I'd like you to meet Noah, your dad."

I started laughing. They both just frowned, probably thinking I was completely insane.

"Do you think that I'm seriously going to buy this act, mom? I know what I saw and he is most definitely not my father." I spat, glaring at the guy. 

She came and sat next to me, grabbing my hand but I snatched it away and looked away.

"Farah, look at me." She whispered.

More tears rolled down my face. I felt fingers under my chin and she turned my face to look her in the eyes.

"Would I lie to you, sweetheart?" She questioned me with a knowing look.

I shrugged and looked at Noah.

He had his arms crossed and sorrow in his eyes. I looked back and forth to the both of them. "Fine. You want me to believe you?" I mumbled.

Her eyes started to get watery. She nodded slowly.

"Then I want proof." I said, getting up from the couch.

Thank you for reading! I had fun writing this and hope you all loveddd it, much more to comeee soon! Dont forget to vote and comment what you think'll happen next! Is that her real dad will she get the answers she thinks she wants? Wheres the guy ahe thought was her dad? Find out in the next chapter of this wonderful story lol
-kassi and nikki 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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