Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Mackenzie's POV:

I went over to Kendall and shook her. She didn't budge. Then I moved my hand from her, and saw blood all over my hands. I looked at her back and saw the same knife that I was gonna use to kill myself. I looked over to Chloe and Nia, but they were no longer there. I screamed for my mom. But she didn't come. I went to her room. And there she was... laying on her bed with a butcher knife. I couldn't believe it. My mom killed herself. I actually wasn't as sad as I should have been. My own mother killed herself just because Maddie died. Did she really not love me? She's just leaving me here on my own! I'm 12 years old for pete's sake! I always knew Maddie was her favorite. Ugh...i hate my mom!!!! "I hate you mother!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. After I let all my anger out, I ran downstairs. I sat by dead Kendall and thought.....hard. I had a terrible feeling that Maddie and Kendall weren't killed on accident. I had a bad bad feeling that someone was out there to get us. By us I mean everyone who loves Maddie. Think about it.... first Maddie was killed, then her closest friend Kendall. Hold on..I thought to myself. If whoever is out there is trying to kill everyone who loves Maddie.... then wouldn't Chloe have been killed before Kendall? Oh no.... I had a feeling that I have to watch out for Chloe... because someone has been lying.

Sorry I haven't updated:/ I've been pretty busy! But thanks for 68 reads!!:) I'm gonna update tomorrow because my brother is using my computer that has my story on it so I'm sorry!! I promise ill post tomorrow though! Ily!

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