The Raven

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It was the 6th of August, and a very hot, humid day. It made 17-year-old Claire almost sad that her summer was already over. How fast it had gone by this year! She stood out on her front porch and stretched, letting the sun hit her face, setting it aglow. She ran her fingers through her long, thick brown hair and assessed her outfit once more, before beginning her walk to school.  It was time to start her junior year of high school, and this year, Claire was determined to make it the best yet.

"Hey, Claire!" 

Claire turned around and noticed a familiar figure jogging to catch up with her.  The figure was clothed in an oversized green shirt and black leggings.  The bright green eyes, and the raven black hair styled in a pixie cut didn't make it hard for Claire to notice it was her best friend, Valerie.  Valerie waved as Claire stopped, waiting for her to meet her.  Valerie caught up with her and smiled, giving Claire a hug, "Claire! I was so upset I didn't get to hang out with you this summer! How was your vacation?" She asked, pulling away. 

"Good, actually." Claire admitted, "I just can't believe how fast it went about you?  How was your vacation in Europe?"  Valerie and her family had vacationed all summer visiting France, England, Greece, and other countries in Europe.

"It was fantastic!" Valerie laughed, "But it sure is good to be back here in Summit-" Her voice broke off as her phone began to ring. She flipped it open, "Hello?"

Claire turned around to allow Valerie some privacy and she glanced upwards at the maple tree her and Valerie were passing.  She watched a lone raven perched upon a branch.  It was a rather lare raven, its sleek, dark feathers glistening in the sun's rays.  Claire gazed more intently at it and gasped slightly.  The bird spread its wings and flew off, but Claire could have sworn that it stared directly into her eyes before it took off.

"Claire. Guess what?" Valerie brought Claire's attention away from the raven.


"That was Stella on the phone.  She said we needed to get to the school asap.  There's something important we need to see." 

As they walked to Summit High, Valerie talked animatedly about her experiences in Europe, though Claire couldn't quite get her mind off of the raven.  Then, she saw a shadow stretched along the sidewalk and glanced up, seeing the same raven fly past Valerie and herself.  She watched it disappear from view, but she could still hear its sharp, loud cry.

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