The Last Chapter

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Harry's POV
I know what you may be thinking, that I got my happily ever after when I was reunited with Kendall. Sadly that's wrong. It's been two years. Two years since Kendall died. Let me take you to the flashback.....
Kendall woke up the very next day after I met her. She saw a glass filled with water kept on the table. She drank it, in real in that glass of water there was some poison mixed into It by Josh. She drank every single drop of water. Not long she fell unconscious on the floor. I dialed the hospital. She was admitted. Within 3 minutes the doctor said," Sorry Mr Styles, we weren't able to save your wife. Before she died she said," Please tell Harry I love him, and ask he, to marry Selvia. He will be safe with her."
Hearing what he had said my world fell apart. If you're wondering about Josh, let me talking you he ran away in the woods and was never seen again.These two years I haven't been able to function. Of course Sarah was left with me, she is also a very beautiful and intelligent girl like Kendall. She is now 7. If you're wondering about Selvia, within a month she ran away from me. Leaving a letter that said," I am sorry Harry I can't take care of you. I have a boyfriend, I love you as a brother. Please forgive me. Tell Sarah I love her." Constantly these seven years I haven't been able to sleep. I always cry at night thinking about losing Kendall, she meant everything to me. I know she is now in a better place with her parents. She must be looking at me and Sarah and smiling. My daughter is the only one who doesn't make me feel lonely. Suddenly I heard," Daddy!" I looked back and saw Sarah coming to me in a pink frock. I said," Sarah boo! Is that you?" she chuckled. I told her," Princess it's time for bed! I carried her and took her to her bed and covered her with a snugly duvet. She said," Daddy can you tell me a story? Oh and I want the mommy story." I said," Ok. Once upon a time there was a princess called Selvia." she interrupted me by saying," No daddy! Not that mommy, the nice mommy." I got confused and said," What do you mean by nice mommy?" she said," Kendall mommy. " I told her," How do you know about her? Selvia is your mommy." she said," But I remember there was a lady who used to take care of me. I think she was Kendall. Also I saw your diary and it said that she used to take care of me. So she is the nice mommy. I am sorry daddy for reading your diary!" I cupped her little cheeks with my hands and said," No I am not angry. So I will talk you the story. A long time ago, there was once a beautiful and lovely princess called Kendall." she interrupted me again by saying," Did you love her?" I said," I did, and I still do. I love her. Very much."

That's the end everyone! Please don't hate me because Kendall died in it! I will write a new book. Please read it!

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