If They Only Knew....

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Zantar had a busy day at work as Zachery Miller (famed attorney at law).  little did he know that this day would be a day like no other.
"Mr Miller you have a call on line one" Beth his secretary informed him.
"Thank you Beth, do you have any idea who it is"
"No sir, they only said it was urgent"
Zach was in no mood today for any silliness.  I mean he and Linda (his loving wife) had recently been having issues.
"man we used to be so cool" Zach thought.  It was hard to be honest and open with someone you love, especially another species that has no idea who you really are.  Zantar had really tried to adapt as Zachary in the name of love for Linda ("these humans have some weird ways) but even though he had been assigned on this planet for over a 100,000 years, there was still much to learn about this species, the humans.  Zantar (an Andromedan) had been assigned as a guardian years ago and he knew the responsibility that came with that charge.  He'd has seen many generations, people and events over time, but Linda had really changed his world.  he could see how Phelums, (Annunaki descendants) had a hard time staying away from the human women, they were an alluring species.
His love for Linda had grown over the years but as advanced as he was, he still had much to learn about this thing humans interacted in called love.  It was easy for him to love, naturally he was an protector but he had realized over time that there was more to love than protection, a whole lot more.
"Thanks Beth, I got it" Zachary answered the phone "hello"
"There is a movement" the voice said "click"
'Oh that's not good' Zach thought.   he gathered his things. "Beth cancel all my meetings, I have an important appointment."  Zach was out the door.   This had to be the worst time for this.  'If they only knew what was coming'

Zach got in his car and headed to the meeting spot where he and the other guardians were supposed to gather.   There had been movements before, I mean Earth is a planet for some reason species just feel like its easy pickens based on the humans lack of technological knowledge and that why it was necessary  to have guardians on the planet.  I mean with the Reptilians keeping things up and The Grays always poking at these humans, well someone had to maintain order.  Ever since the Annanuki created this species and just left them here (just like an Annanuki), someone had to make sure there was fair and balanced behavior (sort of like that prime directive thing on that show Star Trek).  Zach felt although within his spirit that this was different.

As the car was head down the highway Linda was calling.
"Zach, I tried to hit you at the office and Beth told me you already headed out, did you forget about tonight?  'fuck I forgot about that dinner' Zach thought, I'm a have to come up with something.
"No babe I didn't forget, a client had one of those special Hollywood emergencies so I had to play clean up right quick.  Look I'm not trying to let you down but I really don't know how long this is gonna take." Zach waited (man this is bad timing...).   "Zach I understand, you act like I so emotionally fragile that I can't hear you're busy, take care of you're business baby, we'll work it out" Linda said.
Zach never could gauge Linda reaction to a situation (that's what kept him always off balance), she had a knack for at times being very understanding and at other times very confusing.   You just didn't know.
"look imma get with you as soon as we're done, cool?" Zach asked .
"Cool" Linda answered and hung up.
This traffic is crazy and really wasn't helping things but if this meeting was what he thought it was, well traffic was the last thing the humans would have to be concerned with.  At times it was hard coming from a more advanced civilization and having to adjust to the little things like sitting in traffic (come on I can travel light years in seconds, That damned prime directive..).  Zach knew although it was imperative that the humans were not aware that they were being protected.  The humans thought of the guardians as angels (well they sort of were...) and humans never really knew how well they were protected.
The humans had created stories and folklore based on glimpses of what they had accidentally seen when the guardians were doing their work.   Little did they know that those glimpses were actually something making sure that things stayed in order.  You see the guardians could travel at light speed to correct an occurrence but otherwise they had to adhere to the laws of earth's physics.  All of the aliens had different technological bio advances.  The Annunaki were GodLike (but that was only because they were so technologically advance), the Sirians were also like guardians but chose to only appear in extreme cases.  The Reptilians had mental telepathy and had genetically engineered a hybrid species and the Alpha Centaurians were a combination of all the powers but were normally to busy to protect the humans from their ocean bases.  You see there was a lot going on on Earth that the humans weren't even aware of.  it really was a galactic aquarium.
Zach pulled up to the countryside office building where the meeting was being held and realized that there were lot of guardians called in, 'hmmm'.  Zach pulled in and braced himself for whatever.  The guardians could mesostasis their bodies while they transfered into their original forms and their human forms would continue to appear to be functioning to other humans (in sort of a prerecorded loop until they returned to their human frame).  'okay let's see what's up'.

Zach entered the building and immediately noticed an increase in security, whatever was going on, it was serious.
"Zantar come with now" Bellock, Zantar's over-council summoned him. 'Bellock is here' Zantar thought 'all the way from Andromeda.'
"Right behind you Bellock" Zantar said.
as they were walking down the corridor Bellock looked around assuring that they had privacy.
"Zantar" Bellock said "look this is serious and I wanted to give you a heads up before you enter this council gathering.   This is a different movement than we've ever had before.  Noone in the alien council is aware of this signature.   This signature is foreign to us all.  it will be imperative that a secret team will be dispatched to protect the gift whose operatives won't even be known by the council.  You have been chosen as part of that team."
"Team, Bellock you know I don't do teams, the other aliens will only be in my way" Zantar said.
"Zantar, this is different, we will need you and the team to secure the gift and remain in seclusion until the threat is nuetralized.  Noone, and I mean noone is to communicate with you but me.  Is that understood?"
"okay then lets enter and I need you to act accordingly"
Bellock has always been a thoughtful and insightful Over- Council and was never known for over drama so Zantar had to take this with a tone of seriousness.

As they entered the room the energy was one of caution and secrecy.  Noone was aware of what was going on.   Senior Over-Council Demonas called the meeting to order.
"Guardians, I have called you hear today to let you know that your years of training will now be tested like never before.  It seems that an unknown signature has created a mass movement in the cosmos.  A movement of massive size that we've never detected before.  In ancient folklore there is a legend of Apacolypto and his generals The 4 Horsemen.   We are hoping that this is not who this is.  We most prepare ourselves although just in case.  If this is Apacolypto then it will take an concensus of all of the aliens council to defend earth, no matter our differences.  If this is Apacolypto then stopping him will be way more difficult than our differences.  So we will need all guardians from all alien species to come together against this enemy."
Was Zantar hearing this right?  Apacolyto was a legend, a folk story that you told your kids (the humans) to make them behave.  Could this ancient legend really be a reality now.  Zantar looked at Bellock and was met with a blank expression as he listen for the groups instructions. 
"Bellock, come on man, is this training exercise?   This can't be serious."
"Its very serious my colleague and I'm depending on you to be all in" Bellock said with a look of serious tone.  "
"do we understand each other?"
"We do" 
The meeting continued to drone on and all Zantar could think about was how this was gonna affect Linda, how would he protect her?  Would the other guardians allow him to or would they look at her as just an human distraction.  He really had to think this through.  He loved Linda but saving and guarding this Earth was what he was sent here to do.  It was his true purpose on this rock.  But now another purpose had developed, a human purpose which he supposedly was supposed to be above.  For Zantar it wasn't the case.  Linda had become his soul mate and he would do anything to protect her and her home planet.  How would she react if he had to let her now that the person she was living with was not a person in the sense that she was aware of.  Had he led her into a relationship that was a lie.  Was she married to Zach Miller or Zantar Plink.

Bellock got up to excuse himself and told Zantar to follow
"Chief Over-Council Demonas, I need a moment with my guardian please"
Demonas acknowleged and continued his instructions to the guardians in the room.
"Zantar, be on your way, the others will join you in route, Be well and aware my friend and protect the gift at all cost"
Bellock hesitated and then he said "Zantar, about the human, your wife.  Is there any conflict I should know of?  Will she be a distraction?   Zantar knew that Bellock didn't ask questions that he didn't already have an answer to.
"I'll be fine Bellock, I understand my purpose and my charge."  Zantar said.
"Good, but just for your knowledge, I will charge a detail for her protection. So please remained focused while you are with the gift.  Its is of the utmost importance"
"Understood" Zantar said "Now my good friend, you be well and be aware..."

At that moment Zach Miller was a distant past echo and Zantar the Guardian had things to do.  Zantar went to the processing lab for tools where Menocet awaited with his tools.
"Zantar we have some extra goodies for you, you gonna need them.' Menocet said.

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