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I wake up I'm the morning, feeling like I had just traveled to the moon and back.

I groaned and sit up.

I realise that Chica isn't I'm the room.

"Chica?!... Chica-shu." I call.

Chica comes bouncing into the room.

I notice she has something in her mouth.

"Chica... What have you got?..." I say, Fearing the worst.

I look closely and realised it my phone.

"Oh, its my phone.... WAIT!... GIVE ME MY PHONE!!!" I shout.

Chica just wags her tail and runs out of the room.

I panic and run after her.

I follow her down into the kitchen.

I follow her and block the entrance.

I stay there and Chica faces me in the other side of the kitchen.

It was like Mexican stand-off.

I take a lung but she bolts under my legs.

I grab onto her tail but start being dragged along the floor.

God, she's strong for a pup.

I get dragged along the ground and I start telling Chica to stop.

She stops. I stand up, dust myself off and tell Chica to drop.

She drops and I pick up my slobbered phone.

Chica wags her tail and bounces off into my room.

I check if it still works.

"Yes!" I think as the screen flashes with my wall paper.

And I see a text from Mark.

Mark- I'm at comicon. Love you

Me: love you too

I sigh and wipe my phone.


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