Chapter one Old relationships

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Its the summer and I don't feel happy at all because I miss my boyfriend a lot . I cried on the last day if school . I just couldn't believe when I wake up I dont get to see him at school. I called my best friend Rayford and got Brianna's number . I called her and we talked for a while . Brandon callex me for two weeks then he stopped calling.
I thought I did something wrong but i didn't. I was just being me which is extremely insecure if you didn't know. The day before school started me told my friend to break up with me for him . When she told I was so heartbroken . But I knew I had to move on from that break up . He was the only guy I had been in a serious relationship with . He was my everything . Without him I felt like I didnt exist anymore. Wjen he left me I turned to my caring Best friend Rayford parks . He tried to build up my confidence but thats impossible .
When I looked ta myslef all I saw was the girl I used to be. When Rayford looked at me he saw I smart and beautiful girl. I was conviced that he had got me mixed up with someone else . But he explained that the girl that he was talking about was me .
Rayfords Pov
Brandon was my best friend but I hated what he did to Tasaana .She didn't deserve that from anyone. She loved Brandon with all her heart . Even though everyone said that she didn't know what love is because she is just a kid she proved to them that what they said was not true about her she even let him read her diary that is the most important thing to her in life but she didn't care she wanted him to know how she felt. But after they kissed in the hallway their relationship went down hill . He
would pay her no attention because all he cared about was his dick head friends.
I miss my friend she used to be so happy now she so depressed , boyish than ever , and just not herself . I remember when she would come over to me and be so funny and sarcastic . But now she just writes in her diary and barely talk and when she does talk we get in a arguement about what I think of her.

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