50 Reasons to Live

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                                                             My number one reason to live is LOVE.

Love, love is what brings family together. It brings friends together also. But also love can bring a boyfriend! No matter what love is very important. You can't live without love. If you didn't have love, you wouldn't have someone to be with and you wouldn't be happy!!!!

                                                             My second reason to live is FAMILY.

Family is very special and you got to know that, they help you through the hard times. You need to remember to always love your family. You can't ever leave your family ( btw what I mean by leaving your family is when your young or old, like not speaking to them.) Well when I was really young my family bought a dog, we all were in our living room as a family trying to figure what should be a good name for my dog (girl). We thought of all these names like Daisy, Milky, Vanilla, Cookie, and Beautiy!!! But when my sister announced Lacy, we all thought it would be perfect. And as a family we named her Lacy!!!! But what i'm trying to say is that if you never had a family you would be alone and you wouldn't have anyone to talk about things that happened at school.

                                                    My third reason to live is FRIENDSHIP.

You need to have a friend to get through life she or he can help you when you cry or want to tell secrets to. ( more of a girl thing ) You need someone to help you up when some pushes you! You need someone to stand up for you. you also have to do the same thing. But a good thing to do is enjoy your friend and hang with the person that is your friend! Like go to the movies or go to the park like I do usually!

                                                     The fourth reason to live is FUN.

You need to have some enjoyment in your life, like seriously go outside, go to parties have fun while you can, and it's healthy!!! Well usually. Your body needs some excitment.The one thing I can't do is like rollercoasters though's are scary for me. Have anyone went to the anchorage ak, fair, I have, but I didn't go on any rides that is how scared I am. lol... It's just so nice to enjoy your life instead of always being on the computer or video games or just even sitting on your couch watching Tv.  At leaste go outside for thirty minutes or longer. And eat vegies.  I'm trying to say have fun, you can't live without it!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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