Chapter 3

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"What do you mean you're dating her?" Ron asks fury engulfing him.

"Well I asked her out a few months ago, knocked her up and we're planning on getting married after we tell the family but that's after we are ready so you better not tell the family or I will murder you faster than you can say quidditch." Ron calms down a bit but storms out of the shops slamming close the door.

"Well that's one way to tell Ron eh?" Harry shrugs.

"Not the best way to tell him though. Shit. What if he tells Mum? I'm absolutely screwed. I'm gonna die! I'm going to absolutely die! As if I didn't almost die during the war! Please just bring back Voldemort and let him kill me," Fred lays on the counter.

"Mate I think you're overreacting," George pats his twins back.

"Really? I'm a really overreacting? Mate, I've been shagging her adopted daughter for over a year and a half, planning to marry her and now we're having a baby together, do you really think she's going to take that down well? When she finds out about us do you really think she's going to say 'well I'm glad you guys have got together and I'm glad that I've only found out, when's the baby due?" Fred almost starts ripping his hair out of his head.

"Well if you put it that way, yeah you're screwed. I'm sorry mate but you're on your own on this one," George sits on a stool next to the counter.

"Well, how was I going to bring you into this mate? 'Yeah Georgie has known about this since the start maybe you should tell at him too.' What a great twin I would be." Fred smiles at his brother. Harry checks his watch and looks back at the twins.

"Well boys, Gin is probably waiting for me at home. I'll see you two Sunday? Are you still coming to Sunday dinner?" Fred nods his head not so convincing as George nods his head so much it looks like his head might fall off.

"We most definitely are, Molly is going to find out sooner or later Freddie. If we don't tell her my baby bump is going to tell her," Hermione walks down a little tiredly and almost tripping.

"Babe, you've gotta be more careful,"
Fred stresses to her.

"I know, I know. I wasn't watching where I was going. So are we going to wait for the bump to show or are we going to tell your family?" Hermione asks looking into Fred's eyes.

"Well it seems like you guys are having a moment so I might just spend the day with Katie,"

"You're not going anywhere, not just yet anyway. Have breakfast with us and come to Diagon Alley with us. If your lucky I might take you boys to Muggle London," Hermione takes George's hands and drags Fred and George upstairs back into the apartment where there lay; bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast and orange juice.

"Babe you shouldn't have," Fred looks at the food with awe in his eyes, hugging Hermione.

"Freddie, anything for you," she pecks him on the cheek.

"And me!" George hugs Hermione. "So what time will we be leaving for Muggle London? Can I owl Katie?" George frantically asks. "I can't go anywhere without her these days. You never know, there might be a new property up for sale." George winks.

"I am so hurt George! You never told me you were moving out," Fred looks at George, hurt all over his face.

"Well I thought maybe with you two having a kid, I should move out and leave you two with more space." George smiles a little knowing that he shouldn't said something before.

"Don't worry about that! We're already looking at places and put an offer down. You can have this place and you can come and visit us all day everyday."

The trio start to eat the delicious breakfast and wait for Katie to come. Fred, Hermione, George and Katie all spend the day in muggle London. Fred and Hermione mostly buying baby things, trying to keep their minds off Ron, whilst George and Katie starting thinking about the décor in the apartment.

Then they saw it. It was after lunch, they didn't notice it at first but after a few minutes Hermione spotted it. She didn't know how they would react. She did keep it a secret from them after all this time. After all they had done for her.

Authors note: sorry this took so long to update. I promise this won't happen again!

Secrets (Fremione)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora