CHApter 7 The Biggest Jerk In The World Has A Crush On Me?!?

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WOOHOO my 7th chapter here it goes:

I woke up with a with a happy face, because yesterday was an amazing day. Why? well we just had our audition for the dance club, but we don't know when's the result.

As I woke up, my phone buzzed.

From: Louis

The gang would like to hang out in the mall. Wanna tag along? :)x

To: Louis

Sure. Be there in a few boobear! :)x

I took a quick shower then went to my closet to find something to wear. (a/n outfit on the side ===>)

I went down and waved goodbye to my parents. I hopped in my car and drove off. When I turned on the radio, the song Body Party by CIARA came on (a/n its a good song)

I sang my heart out and did a little dance moves aswell. But less dance moves and more focusing on the road.

I arrived at the mall and parked my car which was hard, because you couldn't find any place to park. Luckily there was a spot for me. YEHEY!!!

I got inside and called Louis that I arrived.

(L=Louis S=Sunshine)

S= Hey boobear, I'm here. Where are you guys?

L= Were in the second floor love. Near the  Nandos restaurant.

S= Ofcourse. Daphne and Niall's favorite restaurant.

L= Bingo! You guessed it! See you and hurry Harry keeps on looking for you like a mother who looks for her baby.

He chuckled at that last part. Harry's looking for me? Hmmmmm

S= Haha. Sure thing Lou. See yah.

L= Bye

I went up to the second floor and looked for that Nandos restaurant that Louis said.

Then I saw this huge sign that says Nandos and saw familiar faces and walked up to them.

Before I walked up to them, I saw this guy with brown curls on his head which means he's Harry. Soo I had an idea to scare him, just like what he did in the school the other day. (a/n look it up on chapter 5)

When I slowly went up to him, I heard their conversation. And then i hid behind the big plant to listen to their conversation.

"It's true guys, it's really true." Louis said to the gang. What's really true? I did a confused look and wondered, what's soo true?

"Guys believe it or not it's true." Niall said again the same words. WHAT'S TRUE?!?

"Tell them Haz" Louis said to Harry

Harry shook his head and that means he won't tell. "Fine. If you don't, I'll tell them." Louis finally gave in and told the gang what was Harry supposed he'd tell us.

Before he started, he placed an arm around Harry. "Harry here has had done a something that we'd be soo surprise yet happy for him." Louis started off with that sentence. "...and that something was having a crush on.................." Louis was continuing his explanation or story.

"....on Sunshine!" The whole gang went in 'awwws' and how cute what Harry did. To me, I was like shocked or something. How could that jerk have a crush on a sassy girl like me.









Couldn't believe it with my own eyes and ears.

Then Niall scoots over Harry's side and then came Zayn and saying or should I say singing the love song "Sunshine and Harry sittin in a tree, K-I-S-" BUT Harry cut them off. "STOP!" he said. Then he bends down and he's face starts to go pink or red. I think i'm color blind.

I ran to the restroom and washed my face with water and kept repeating what they said.

'Having a crush on...Sunshine'

I went outside heading to the are were they were standing and trying to forget what happened. I got out my phone and started to listen to my music while playing Candy Crush. Man, I couldn't get past level 156. The jelly ofcourse was my problem.

As I was heading back to the gang I lowered my music down and heard Harry's voice.

"You know what guys, i think i'll ask her out" They all asked at the same time "What?!?"

"I Harry Edward Styles will ask out the Sunshine Corazon" he said. Then Louis said "what are you gonna do Harry?" he asked again. "I'm gonna ask Sunshine out"

Louis asked again, because he saw me behind Harry who didn't know I was behind him. "I'm gonna ask Sunshine out" he yelled. and the third time I took out my earphones and heard Louis asked again. And this time Harry told him again "I will ask Sunshine to go out with me on a date" he was pissed off because of repeating it to Louis. But he didn't know I was behind him

Then I took a chance to say something behind him.

"Were going out?" I asked pretending that I didn't overheard their conversation. He turned his head towards me with a shocked look and he blushed after that. " Sunshine. Didn't know you were her." He said while scratching his back. It's how boys get nervous. "Well I just arrived. What's this date your talking about?" I asked tooking a step closer to him and he took a step back which the boys were behind him and pushed him towards me. Now were 10 inches apart.

"! Who said were going on a date. I said look Sunshine it's your favorite store. Forever 21. Go along with the girls while the guys and me go to that store so that i'll ask you out on a date...I mean buy shoes to ask you out on a date...Um bye. Enjoy!" he sadi grabbing the boys and going to the store that sells clothes for guys. Gosh I've never seen him so nervous befoe. It's cute. I giggled when he was nervouse, because he was soo hard trying to find out what excuse he has this time. Then I heard Louis say to Harry "Smooth one Harry"

I just had the thought of the feeling that the biggest jerk in the world that has a crush on me?!?

Weird huh?

To Be Continued.....

Harry has a crush on Sunshine?!? That jerk falls for that sassy Filipina girl (that's how filipinos call girls 'Filipina') Don't forget to Vote




-Pia =)))

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