Chapter One

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((Picture attached is of the Tarot card, Temperance. It was the card Logan was given))

As the lights go out and the cheering starts to die down while the audience are collecting the rogue French money, the Five Horsemen finish their first act, all according to plan. The five magicians go backstage to collect whatever they needed to bring back to the hotel, all the while Daniel acting flustered as he followed his companions,

"Uh, did-! Did it ever occur to you that you should've run by me what you were gonna do before pulling off a stunt like that?" He snaps at Logan who walked right in front of him, referring to her trick from earlier.

"I did, but you wouldn't have listened." She countered while packing a suitcase of equipment along with Jack, "You wouldn't have agreed to go with it."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" He seethed, then pointing to Merritt accusingly, "Was it your idea?"

"My idea?" The elder grins,

"Danny, come on. It was one small, tiny detail they forgot to mention," Henley came in to defend the others, handing Merritt the teleportation helmet while locking eyes with their ringleader.

"We forgot to mention?" Jack grinned from ear to ear, "You were in on it, too!"

"Yeah, don't try to play Mama Henley on us now," Logan snickered.

"Why are you four so childish? Am I the only mature one here?" Daniel snapped back to Logan.

"I thought we made a great team." She pointed out, "Didn't you think so, Atlas?"

"Either that or maybe he was good at being the magician's assistant for once." Merritt added, earning an evil laugh from Henley this time.

"I'm sorry, have I missed a meeting? We never planned that! What if you screwed up? What if it didn't go according to plan and we all failed to get what needed to be done? Did you think that one through?" Daniel's nose flared as his eyebrows twitched, "The Eye wouldn't really consider us magical if we ended up in jail, now would they?" His voice dripped with sarcasm.

"What if, what if, what if." Logan nagged, stepping up to Daniel, staring him down-! Or up since he was slightly taller. She too, looked pissed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Asshole that you feel exploited when you're not the one in control but guess what? The world doesn't evolve around you! You can't control it and you certainly CAN'T control me!"

She rolls her eyes, turning her back towards him as she grabbed a box of props from Jack, "Now, help us out so we can head back to the hotel quicker and get some shut eye. I'm already grumpy as it is." She muttered.

At the Aria, after Henley was already napping on Daniel's shoulder on the way there, Jack unlocks the door to the obviously expensive, over-the-top hotel room they've been given from their benefactor, Arthur Tressler. It was bland, with whites walls and white furniture. The whole corner two walls were pure glass and was a corner view to half the city. There were two floors to this one hotel 'room', the stairs going up in a spiral with a bronze-colored railing that would make the Great Gatsby proud. It was extravagant to say the least. Very open and not exactly cozy to the Horsemen's taste. They're used to the apartment they've lived at in New York for the past year. Apartment 6A. That place had more warm colors and after a good clean and with a fill of furniture, it made a great, cozy home and everyone already missed it. Well, Jack, Henley, and Logan openly stated how much they miss it, Danny and Merritt not so much.

Henley sighs as she plops down her suitcase, "Well, look on the bright side!" She says this while looking at the glum faces of her friends, "Expensive hotel means expensive yet soft mattresses."

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