Chapter 1

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Taylor's Pov

I sit on the roof of a tall building while Kamryn is out doing runs. I reload every gun we have and sharpen every knife. I get my arrows out and begin to sharpen them. Soon Kamryn runs in and she looks like she just saw a ghost. "What's wrong?" "Get everything packed..NOW! We gotta go like right now. They are breaking the doors down so we gotta go out that door and run as fast as we can" I nod not asking questions. I load my bow up with arrows and put my 2 knife's into each boot and a gun in my back pocket as Kamryn does the same. After we put everything in our bags we beat it out of there and run out the building. We run to a passing R.V which causes it to a halt. The people who are in it load out. One Korean man that wears a hat and looks at us strangely. Then a guy with buzzed hair in a cop uniform with bright blue eyes and a African american bald man. They begin to speak up. "Where are u two heading?" I look away as Kamryn Starts to speak "anywhere we can find and survive" the Korean guy speaks up "I'm Glenn and that's Rick" he points to the cop "and that's T-Dog" he points to the bald man. "Well I'm Kamryn and this is Taylor. She doesn't talk much so I do the talking even before this shit storm hit" they nod and look at each other for a moment "we have a camp do u wanna come with us? That is if we can trust u" "well I'm 15 and she's in her 20's and we stick to whatever job we have and u can trust us" they nod and tell us to get in. We get into the small R.V and sit down. I begin to work on my bow not paying attention to anyone until Glenn comes up to me and smiles "you know at our camp we have a guy named Daryl and he has a bigger bow than that but I think you two would get along well" I chuckle "Glenn I haven't talked to a guy in forever. I'm just a lonely shy wolf who does everything she can to survive and protect people she loves." He nods and soon we arrive at the camp i pick my bow up and put it over my should and my hair in my right eye because I'm nervous. We get off and I get behind Kamryn nervously. A guy with brown short hair with a bow walks over and looks us up and down. "I'm Daryl and that dipshit over there" he points to a guy with short curly brown hair and looks really intense "is Shane. Don't mess with him he's bad news" I nod and look around before Rick gets my attention "Taylor u can share a tent with Daryl and kamryn u can share one with me" we nod and I head to my tent and get my knife and gun out as Daryl walks in. "that's a good looking bow u got right there" "Thanks same for u" he chuckles before sitting down on his bed. "Maybe we could go hunting sometime" "ya I'd like that" I smile and lay down to nap with my gun beside my pillow. I hear him chuckle before leaving the tent.

Kamryn's P.O.V

I sit on top of the r.v looking around with my gun in my lap. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around and see Carl smiling. I smile "Hey" "Hey" "U taking watch?" "Ya Glenn told me everyone else is busy and if I wanted I could take watch up here" "that's cool so maybe after we could go on a run. Would you?" "Yea I'll come find u when I'm done" he nods and walks away. I smile to myself waiting for it to end so I could be out with Carl.

Just for the sake of the story Carl is gonna be 15 and Daryl is gonna be 20 just so they will match up with the Characters

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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