"But before we get to the real excitement at the finale! We got one more stunt we'd like you to see!" Jack nodded towards the crowd, his arms out in welcome. He wore a white dress shirt and overalls with black jeans and shoes, as he wore regularly. Jack was the youngest amongst the group, and uses his magician skills as parlor tricks to pickpocket and other stealing techniques. He's been teased a bunch of times by either Logan, Merritt, or Atlas for being the kid and he keeps reminding them that he wants to be treated as an adult, but only Henley does that. He steps up onto the higher platform of the stage and walked a full circle to look at the whole audience surrounding him. He then grins, showing off the widest, childish, perfectly white smile in all the world, extending his arm out to one of the members of his team.

"Logan, if you don't mind." He offered as part of the act.

She smiles and looks towards the audience, stepping up onto the higher platform while Jack stepped down so she had center stage. She puts her hands on her hips, "Now who here always wished they could fly?"

Logan hears cheers, whoops, and hollers of agreement and she nods, her smile not fading away for one second. Part of the show was that the Five Horsemen were supposed to stay smiling at all times, never looking bored, even if they felt that way. She continued,

"Well, tonight...I'm gonna show you how!"

The entire building goes nuts with excitement and Logan elegantly waves her hand towards one of her coworkers, "Mr. Atlas! If you would assist me?"

Daniel looked slightly doubtful, because he wasn't told about this part of the act. He hesitantly walks up onto the stage, not trying to look skeptical and smile towards the crowd. On the inside, he was angry and freaking out.

'This wasn't part of the plan! Why wasn't I informed about this?!' He was freaking out that he wasn't in control of the situation. He didn't even know what to do!

Merritt and Henley exchange the same pathetic grin as they knew what Logan and Jack had planned for their helpless ringleader. His OCD must be kicking in any minute now...

Logan takes both his hands in hers and leads him to center stage, "Now," she addresses the audience, "Today I am going to sprout wings and soar for you."

"And she's not talking about death," Jack had to note for the skeptical ones out in the crowd.

"She's not?" Merritt asked teasingly, making a few people plus Henley laugh.

Logan eyes Merritt playfully, "Yes I am actually, my love. I'm talking about you."

He blows her a kiss then shuts up as people laugh and then Logan looks back at Daniel, taking her hands away from him, extending her arms out to either side of her then turning her back to him, "Atlas, if you would just check me and show everyone that I'm not wearing a harness or rope to preform a hoax or cheat."

"Yeah, Danny! Pat her down." Logan hears from one of her coworkers, one of which is slightly obvious as to who said it.

Danny eyes her with an inward glare but she pretends that she doesn't see it as he walked up behind her, his hands patting her shoulders and hips, showing everyone she wasn't wearing any cheating or hoax equipment underneath her jacket as well. He then continues the show, knowing how the rest of the act works just not knowing he was supposed to be a part of it.

"Now we will be explaining each step as to how we form the wings, as a way of debunking a few myths for you. But how she will be doing the flying is for you to figure out. So, use your imagination!" He explained in that slight, fast stutter he always has and then steps away from Logan to show he won't be helping her.

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